Chapter Seventeen

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***EDITED: 24/06/2018***

"Alright let's get you cleaned up, I mean what's your daddy gonna say when he sees you all dirty like this?" Sid asked the baby as the group all walked towards Half Peak the next day.

Sarabi let a scowl take over her face when she saw what Sid was doing, making Manny to chuckle at his sister. Causing the female to send a small playful glare to her brother.

After another minute of Sid licking his claws and cleaning Roshan, Manny swiped at Sid's arm moving it away from the baby.

"You clean up nice, little fella." Manny joked but Sid, being Sid thought Manny was being serious.

"I think he may start to look like me." Sid commented as he looked at Roshan.

"Yeah like that's gonna happen Sid." Sarabi said causing the three males to look at her. "I mean he's gonna grow up and look just like his daddy." She said, remembering the resemblance the baby has with his dad.

Sid ignoring Sarabi's comment turned towards Diego. "Hey Diego, what do you think?" He asked, holding Roshan up to his face as they all stopped in their tracks to look at Diego.

Diego who was looking around in the distance said, "Maybe we shouldn't do this."

Sarabi furrowed her eyebrows in confusion at exactly what Diego said. 'Maybe we shouldn't do this.' played through her head like a record player, making Sarabi think. 'What is wrong with him? He seems nervous.' She thought.

"Why not?" Manny questioned narrowing his eyes at Diego.

"Because if we save him, he'll grow up to be a hunter and who do you'll think he'll hunt?" Diego asked, rhetorically.

"Well maybe because since we saved him, he won't hunt us." Sid suggested.

"Yeah? Well, maybe he'll grow fur and a long skinny neck and call you mamma!!" Diego snapped causing the other three to look at him.

"What's wrong with you?" Sarabi asked softly.

Diego looked back out into the distance, said. "Nothing, Let's go, I'm freezing my tail off." He finished before walking in front of them.

All three looked at each other in confusion before shrugging it off and followed after Diego. After a while, he started to lag behind.

"Hey, Diego? You frozen back there?" Manny called back once he noticed that Diego was standing in one spot.

Both Sarabi and Manny looked over at each other as Diego didn't give a reply instead they shrug their shoulder's before continuing to walk forward.

"GET DOWN!!" Diego shouted after a moment of silence, causing all three of them to stop.

"What??" The three chorused confused, as Diego got in front of them.

"Get down and follow me." Diego urged which confused Sarabi greatly.

"What's what's going on Diego?" Sarabi asked quietly causing Diego to look at her.

Diego knew that if he is to tell them what's happening he'll loose the family he wish he had and the girl he so desperately loves. So that's why Diego put his head down in shame.

"At the bottom of Half Peak.... there's an ambush, waiting for you." He answered Sarabi's question causing the female to let out a small gasp at what he said.

"Ambush?" Both Sarabi and Manny said.

"You set us up." Manny seethed, glaring hard at Diego for endangering his sister, and the group.

"That's it you're out of the herd." Sid exclaimed pointing an angry claw at him.

"I'm sorry." Diego apologised, hanging his head down in shame.

"No, you're not!" Manny exclaimed very angry at the male in front of him.

Sarabi who hasn't said a word, stared at the male saber in front of her, she couldn't believe that this was happening. The one that she thought was the one for her, has betrayed them. She hasn't felt this much betrayal since... since..... Sarabi shook her head clearing those thoughts out of her head, she does not need to remember him at this point of time.

"Listen I can help you." Diego pleaded which seemed to make something inside of Sarabi to snap.

"Help us?" Sarabi seethed causing everyone to look at her. "I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"  

"I... I don't know." Diego finally said after a moment of silence which caused Sarabi to scoff angrily.

"Stay close guys." Manny ordered his sister and their companion who held Roshan in his arms. "We'll fight our way out." Manny finished.

Diego's eyes immediately went wide at what Manny said. "You can't! Pack's too strong, you have to trust me." Diego pleaded once more.

"We did trust you." Sarabi said quietly causing the male to look at her. "But you broke it. By betraying us." She finished as a single tear slid down her cheek and onto the ground.

"Sarabi's right! Why in the world should we trust you??!!" Manny demanded, full of hurt and anger.

"Because I'm your only chance." Diego replied.


"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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