Chapter Ten

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, my boyfriend had my laptop for a couple of days

***EDITED: 24/06/2018***

After following the direction for a bit, the group then reached a frozen pond where a grin appeared on both Sid's and Sarabi's faces who were the first ones to go the ice while Manny and Diego soon after a moment of hesitating, went on.

Both Sarabi and Sid (who held Roshan in his arms) were laughing as they skated around the frozen pond, both laughing at Diego and Manny who both struggled to stand up or move on the frozen pond. Sid who got a little bit cocky skate past Manny and Diego letting out a "Hello." as he skated past them. He then placed the baby on his head before he jumped up into a spin. However, Sid ended up crashing into a pile of snow.

When Sid hit the snow, Roshan fell off of Sid and slid over towards Sarabi who smiled once she saw the baby giggling and clapping his hands in a happy manner. Picking him up in her jaws by the shirt, Sarabi carried Roshan off of the ice and onto the snow and went towards her brother and Diego.

"Hey Sid." The two males greeted as they walked past Sid who's butt was sticking out of the pile of snow.

~Le mini time skip: Brought to you by Diego's love for Sarabi :P~

"You're lost, aren't you?" Manny accused Diego, once the four of them stopped walking.

"No." Diego stated defensively. "I know exactly where we are." 

"Ask him for directions." Manny spoke after seeing a saber-tooth squirrel with an acorn. "Hey you buddy, have you seen any humans go by here?"

The Saber-tooth squirrel, Scrat shook his head but after a moment of silence Scrat scratched his head before holding up one of his fingers.

"Ooh, ooh, ohh, I love this game!" Sid said. "Okay, okay." Scrat then put down his acorn and held up three of his fingers and than putting up one of his fingers.

"Three words..... first word." Manny said causing Scrat nodded his head indicating that he got it right.

Scrat then proceeded to jump around on the ground for his next action.

"Uh, stomp?" Sid guessed causing Scrat to shake his head. 

Grabbing his acorn in his hands, he put it on his back and pretended to carry it.

"Uh... pack!" Manny guessed after a moment of watching Scrat. Scrat then nodded his head indicating that he got it right.

"Good one Manny." Sarabi praised.

Then Scrat started to move his hands pointing down from the sides of his mouth.

"Long teeth," Sid said once he saw the gesture but Scrat then pretended to claw at something. "and claws."

As soon as Sid said those words, Diego's eyes widen as he then put away his own claws. After a while of Manny and Sid trying to guess what Scrat was impersonating they completely missed that Scrat was pointing towards Sarabi and Diego in a frustrated way. 

Diego feeling slightly uncomfortable as Scrat began to point towards him and Sarabi, looked at the other 2 mammals and quickly flicked Scrat causing him to fly away.

Manny and Sid still trying to guess as they watch Scrat flew away from the group. Sarabi, looking over at Diego who looked tensed for some reason. Causing Sarabi to furrow her eyebrows, wondering why he was so tense for some reason.

'That was close, I can't let them know. Especially Sarabi, I really like her and to see her look at me with betrayal would kill me.' Diego thought as he turned his head to look at Sarabi and instantly turned his head once he noticed that Sarabi was staring intensely at him.

After that incident, the four continued on with their journey. Only a few hours later when a huge snowstorm came blowing in, causing everyone to become cold. Cold enough that Manny's, Diego's and Sarabi's fangs/tusk were covered in ice, whilst Sid had icicles hanging from his nose.

"Guys we should stop and rest." Manny exclaimed over the wind as he looked up at Roshan who was tightly pressing himself up to Manny trying to stay warm and then looked over towards Sarabi, who was shaking tremendously from the cold. 

Not too long, they found a space to sleep for the night, with a warm fire. Thanks to Sid. A small quiet yawned escaped Roshan as he slept between Sarabi's paws causing a small smile to appear on her face as she watched him sleep.

"You care deeply for him don't you." A voice said causing Sarabi to look up and over towards the voice and saw that it was Diego.

"Of course I do." She said softly. "Couple of years ago, his parent's saved me because my parent's died and I was all alone." Sarabi started staring down at Roshan as he slept.

Diego interested in her story kept quiet as he listened.

"My parent's died fending off another Saber pack that wanted our territory." She then shut her eyes. "His parent's was the only thing that I held dearly, still to this day." She spoke softly as tears start to pool in her eyes. "But when I got older, they wanted me to go find a mate, wanted me to be the Saber I was supposed to be." She laughed recalling how they kept pushing her gently away.

Sighing she then opened her glossy eyes as she stared at Diego. Diego saw many different emotions swiming in her eyes, causing his eyes to widen.

"But then, after a while of never finding any other Sabers, I found Manny." She smiled as she then looked over towards her sleeping friend. "We've been together ever since." She smiled softy at her friend before turning towards Diego. 

Diego sat there and processed her story, running it over and over again.  Wanting to desperately find out more about her, wanting to know if she found a mate or not. So many questions popped in his head.

Once he came out of his train of thoughts and was about to open his mouth and ask the questioned that override his brain. He quickly shut it once he saw the now sleeping Saber with a sad smile on her face.

Frowning slightly to himself he let out a quiet sigh before laying his head on his paws and shut his eyes, drifting off into the darkness known as sleep.


"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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