Chapter Twenty

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***EDITED: 25/06/2018***



It's over, it's finally over. Everyone seemed to thought. But their thoughts were cut short once Roshan made sad gurgles and cries as he saw Sarabi lying down, not even moving.

The males looked over at Sarabi and their hearts to beat rapidly as they notice she was still lying there looking dead. Sid put Roshan down near Sarabi once he felt the toddler struggle in his arms. Roshan was near Sarabi's head at an instant, touching her face hoping that she would wake up.

As soon as Roshan's hand touched Sarabi's face, her eyes started to open slowly.

"Sa - Sarabi????" Manny questioned softly as tears started to run down his cheeks.

"He - hey, Ma - Manny." Sarabi chocked out. "I guess, I guess this is it." 

"Sarabi you idiot, why did you do that?!" Diego questioned angrily at her.

"Because, he was, he was the worst brother ever. He's the one that took everything from me." Sarabi spoke looking up at Diego with sad eyes, making Diego gasp in shock. "I no longer have a family because of him." She finished before looking down for a few minutes.

"Come on Sarabi." Sid said causing everyone to look at him. "You're a saber for crying out loud! Come on, we'll carry you or something please!!" Sid sobbed as he watched his friend lay there, not moving. "Manny, tell her that she's going to be okay!" Sid pleaded Manny.

Manny not even hearing a word that Sid had said, stared sadly down at his sister.

'No. I can't loose you too.' Manny thought as a tear fell from his eyes.

Manny couldn't help the tears fall freely. He just doesn't want to loose his sister like how he had lost his wife and son. It's too early for her to leave, leave him and their new family.

Roshan whimpered gaining Sarabi's attention, smiling at the young boy she licked his cheek, making the young boy coo at her.

"Roshan, you are going to be strong and handsome like your father." Sarabi started. "But I wont be there for you anymore. Listen to me Roshan, you have to go with them now." Sarabi weakly said looking over towards the other three before turning her attention back towards Roshan. "Take care of the others for me will you." She spoke softly causing Roshan to slightly, nod his head as if understanding what she was saying. "Good, make sure you take good care of them..... especially Sid." Sarabi joked. Causing everyone to laugh.

"This is all my fault." Diego said causing Sarabi to look over at him giving him a weak smile. "If I had just gotten to you a lot quicker..... it should be me that's in this position and not you." Diego finished sighing heavily.

"Don't say that, Diego." Sarabi spoke causing the male to look up at her. "Everybody dies everyday." She finished before slowly closing her eyes. "I - I love - I love you all." She managed to get out before her eyes finally shut.

"Sarabi?" Sid said looking down at the female saber. "Sarabi????" Sid tried again but got no response at all.



A/N'S: No not Sarabi!!!!!! Damn you Soto, stupid brother.

Anyways next chapter is sadly the last chapter for this book.

See you guys in the next chapter


"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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