Chapter Two

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Sorry the editing is taking a while to update update. I have no excuses.

*** EDITED: (01/06/2018) ***

The sun was starting to set, when the trio made it back from the woods, collecting wood for their shelter. The two siblings seemed to be carrying a lot of wood on their back/trunk. Whereas Sid was only dragging his little stick behind him, acting like it was weighing a ton to him.

"Phew. I'm wiped out." Sid panted, whipping his forehead. Causing the two siblings to look over at Sid, with confusion.

"That's your shelter?" Manny questions with an raise eyebrow, as he saw what Sid was carrying. Looking down at Sid's tiny stick.

"Hey, you're a big guy. You got a lotta wood. I'm a little guy." Sid defended himself.

"Sid, Sarabi is smaller than me and yet she has a lot of wood." Manny stated, causing Sarabi to look over towards the two before letting out a sigh. "Beside you got half a stick." Manny finished making Sarabi shake her head.

"Well, Sarabi is a saber, they are supposed to have more strength, so she could be strong. Plus, with my little stick and my highly evolved brain." Sid said before poking his eye with his stick while he was talking about his brain. "Ow! I shall create fire!" Sid exclaimed, causing Sarabi to shake her head as she started to build her shelter for the night.

"Fascinating." Both the siblings muttered sarcastically, making them both  look at each other and let out a chuckle.

"We'll see if brains triumph over brawn tonight. Now won't we?" Sid said as he snapped the stick in half and stared at the two siblings that were standing in front of him with a challenging look on his face, making the two siblings to look at each other again. Sighing out before continuing their shelters.

~Le Mini Time Skip to Nightfall: Brought to you by Sid the Sloth~

Just as the two siblings finished with their shelter, it had started to rain. Causing the two to lay underneath their shelter to protect them from the rain droplets. 

Both the siblings watched in amusement as Sid was sitting out in the rain, rubbing the now snapped in half stick together, trying to at least make fire.

"Hey, I think I saw a spark." Manny teased causing Sid to look hopeful but then looked down at the sticks before looking sad.

Sarabi let out a sigh, as Sid got off from the soggy ground and walked over towards them.

"Any chance I can squeeze in there with you guys?" Sid asked hopefully.



Both siblings said at the same time, making Sarabi roll her eyes. But Manny did not pay any attention to his sister's comment.

"Isn't there someone else you can annoy? Friends? Family? Poisonous Reptiles?" Manny asks, already annoyed with the Sloths presence.

"Ah my family abandoned me. They just kinda migrated without me." Sid said as he tried to see if he can find a dry place in the shelter. 

"You should see what they did last year. I mean they woke up early and tied my hands and feet and they gagged with me a field mouse." Sid said as he got comfortable on Manny's tusk. 

"And barricade the cave door and covered their tracks went through water so I'd lose their scent, and... and... who needs 'em, anyway?" Sid mumbled at the end as he grabbed Manny's trunk and placed it on him causing Manny to let out an annoyed sigh and moved his trunk so he was grabbing Sid and roughly placed him on the ground.

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