Chapter Six

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***EDITED: 19/06/2018***

The three dodos in front of them jumped in a line, but one of them messed up and ended up kicking the one next to him as he tried to fix his mistake. The dodo that was kicked bounced towards where Roshan was with the melon in his hand and kicked it out of his hands. 

The dodos kept on throwing and kicking the melon until it fell off the edge of the cliff, causing the dodos to gasp in shock running towards the cliff screaming 'retrieve the melon' but ended up falling off the cliff instead, letting out sounds of protest before plummeting to their dooms.

Sarabi couldn't help but find the dodos funny, even if they are stupid she couldn't help but to be amused by them. She could tell that the others found them amusing too, because their dumb enough to jump off a cliff just for one melon especially around 20 of them jumped off of it. 

Sarabi, Manny and Diego all noticed that Sid had disappeared, so they looked around. But, noticed that Sid was by the stump, causing Sarabi to raise an eyebrow as Sid was trying to grab one of the two remaining. melons.

The dodos ended up noticing Sid trying to obtain the melon before a few of them ran towards Sid. The dodos ended up kicking the melon out of Sid's hands but the melon had other plans, as it went flying over towards the tar pit. Causing two dodos running towards it and tried to balance the melon on their becks, over the tar pit. The two dodos struggled for a few seconds before they fell into the tar pit, the second melon following through after the dodos.

The dodos looked back towards where the last melon was but saw that Sid was standing there with the last melon in his hands.

"The last melon." Simultaneously the dodos drooled as they all doggy piled Sid. Making Sid drop the melon.

The melon rolls over towards Manny, making him pick it up. The dodos try to grab for it but Manny keeps the melon out of their reach. One dodo that was behind Manny, bites him on the tail, making Manny let out a cry of pain, releasing the melon.

"Manny! Are you alright?!" Sarabi yelled out, as she stared wide eyes at what's happening.

"Yeah... Just a little bit in pain." Manny replied, giving Sarabi a weak smile.

The three then looked over to where Sid was and saw that he was surrounded by the dodos, making Sarabi gasp. Sid looks down at the melon, then at the trio and looked at Roshan who had a sad face as he stared at Sid. It was then that Sid decided to start running forwards, straight through the dodos. Knocking them over, when he swung the melon around.

Sid manages to make it through the crowd of dodos, whilst still keeping the melon safe and in a whole. Sarabi, Manny, Diego, Sid and Roshan celebrated as the dodos accepted their defeat. 

But as all good things must come to an end, Sid decided it was a good idea to throw the melon down on the ground, smashing it into pieces. Making them all stop celebrating.

"Ah Sid! Now we got to find more food." Diego complained making Sarabi giggle, causing all three males to look at her in confusion.

"We don't have to. Look." She said softly as she stared down at the baby.

The males looked down and saw that Roshan was happily eating the melon pieces with a smile on his face. Cooing up at Sarabi as she curled around Roshan in a protective manner, making Diego smile.

It wasn't a few seconds later when a stack of dodos walked right in front of the gang making Sarabi smirk as she heard them telling the bottom dodo where to go.

"Look at that." Manny said as the dodos continued to wobble around. "Dinner and a show." Manny finished just as the dodos fell of the cliff. Causing Sarabi to giggle as she looked back down at Roshan with a small smile on her face, as she laid down with Roshan between her front paws making a gurgle leave Roshan's lips as Sarabi nuzzled him.

~Le Massive Time Skip: Nightfall time~

The four animals and Roshan were now resting in a little area. Diego was lying a few feet away from where Manny and Sarabi laid, side-by-side. With Roshan sleeping peacefully in Manny's trunk.

Not far away, Sid was looking for something to eat. A reward for him because he thought he was the 'hero' of the day. Sarabi watched amused as Sid fought with a tree, making Sarabi snicker as Sid had hit the tree branch, making the branch hit Sid in the back of his head.

Yawning loudly, Sarabi started to get ready for bed, but as soon as she got comfortable, Sid came back.

"Oh the triumphant returns." Manny asked with him and Sarabi looking at Sid with a raise brow and a smirk. 

"What? Oh yeah." Sid said resting on a rock. 

Sarabi sighs and rests her head on her paws trying to fall asleep. She was almost asleep but when Manny and Sid kept her up by arguing. 

Sid starts it by saying "How about a bug kiss for you big buddy Sid?" Manny shushes him and said "They are asleep!" 

"I was talking to you. Fine I'll tuck myself in." Manny glares at him but then looks over at Roshan and Sarabi. 

The both of them were fast asleep with little smiles on their face, which caused Manny to mentally sighs in relief. Sid tries to get comfortable but keeps making a lot of noise. 

Manny glares back at him, then finally gets so annoyed that he whisper-yelled "Will you stop it!" 

"Jeez just trying to relax." Sid mumbled before falling asleep, sucking his thumb as he slept.

Rolling his eyes at the Sloth, Manny turned his attention to Diego, who was sleeping far away from the group, sighing in relief that everyone was asleep. Looking over towards his sister, who was peacefully sleeping on his right side of him, one more time before falling asleep himself.


"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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