Chapter Sixteen

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***EDITED: 24/06/2018***

"Guys we have to get this kid out of the wind!" Manny yelled out to the others over the wind as Roshan snuggled closer to Manny's fur, trying to get away from the harsh wind.

"How much further Diego?" Sarabi asked shivering slightly.

"Three miles." He replied, looking out in the distance before looking back at her. Making Sarabi to let a disappointed sigh.

The sound of rock against rock caused the three to turn around and see that Sid was beginning to drawing something on the cave wall behind them with a sharpened rock.

"What are you doing, Sid?" Sarabi asked as they all walked over to Sid, staring curiously as to what he is drawing on the rocky wall.

"Putting sloths on the map." Sis replied casually as he continued to draw a sloth.

"Hey, why don't you draw him realistic?" Manny asked, "With him lying down."

"And make him rounder." Diego smirked whilst Sarabi stared wided eyes at the boys as they teased Sid.

Manny took the rock from Sid's grasp and drew a circle around the sloths body on the rock to make it look fatter.

"Perfect." The two boys chorused.

"That's totally barbaric." Sarabi exclaimed causing the two to look at her. (hehe I may or may not have been watching Harry Potter)

"Ha-ha! I forgot how to laugh." Sid mocked sarcastically as he snatched the rock back from Manny and started to fill the sloth in. 

Though as he was doing this, it was causing friction which caused some sparks flying from it and landed on some nearby dried twigs creating a small flames that quickly grew a little larger. Sarabi stared with an impressed look on her face.

'At least we will be warm enough till the morning.' Sarabi thought.

"I'm a genius!!" Sid cheered happily as he held the rock up in the air, smiling in triumph before bringing it to his lips and placing a kiss on it.

~Le mini time skip: Brought to you by Sarabi Liking Diego~

"From now on you'll have to refer me to as Sid, Lord of the Flames!" Sid exclaimed as he stood in front of the fire with a proud grin.

"Hey, Lord of the Flames.... your tail's on fire." Manny announced, smirking slightly once he finished his sentence.

Once Manny finished speaking, Sid's eyes widened as he looked down as saw that his tail, was in fact on fire. Once it started to process in his head, he started to run around screaming his head off while making Roshan giggle, clapping his hands.

When Sis had made a couple of laps around the fire, Diego had enough of it. Before grabbing Sid and pulling him towards the snow making the fire that was once on Sids tail to be put out.

Sighing in relief Sid turned to Diego. "Phew, from now on I'm gonna call you Diego...." 

"Lord of Touch Me and You're Dead." Diego said interrupting Sid giving him a look which caused Sid to gasp. "I'm just kidding you little knucklehead." Diego said before pulling Sid towards him and giving him a noogie, which caused Sarabi to smile at the pair before turning her attention back to Roshan who was now standing up as he struggled to walk a little.

"Hey, lovebirds." Manny called to Diego and Sid causing Diego to stop what he was doing and looked over at Manny as well as Sid.

"Look at this." Sarabi said, looking down at Roshan as he began to walk forward but stumble backwards into Sarabi, causing the female to smile fondly down at him as he looked up at her with big eyes and a gummy smile.

Shaking her head, Sarabi gently lifted up Roshan and placed him back on his feet before letting go. Before Roshan can fall backwards again, Sarabi quickly used her head to steady him. Once she was sure that he was able to stand by himself she nudged Roshan towards Diego and Sid.

"I don't believe it." Sid whispered with a smile as Roshan starts to make his way over to Sid. "Come here, you little wormy-worm. Come to Uncle Sid." 

But at the last second, he turned towards Diego, much to everyone surprise. Looking down nervously as the baby made his way to him.

"No, go to them." Diego urged nervously, gesturing to Manny and Sarabi who where laying down opposite to them.

However, Roshan continued his way towards Diego. When he got there, he fell over but he landed on Diego's leg causing Roshan to lean against it.

A gurgle/coo sound came from Roshan as he looked up at Diego who was still feeling a little bit awkward. 

"Um, good job, Keep.... keep practising." He praised, before helping Roshan back up and pushing him towards Manny and Sarabi.

He walked over towards Sarabi, wanting to be cuddled up to her, but he sneezed which made him fall over. He let out a yawn and rubbed at his tired eyes.

"Alright, bed time squirt." Manny said as he picked up Roshan with his trunk, before handing him over to Sarabi, who smiled when the baby boy was placed in her front paws. Snuggling closer to Sarabi for warmth, Roshan began to settle down before falling asleep.

Before going to sleep for the night, Sarabi took one last look around her new family, glad to have them with her. Her eyes settled on Diego and was surprised to see that the male was already looking at her with an intense stare.

Blushing, Sarabi turned her head to look away, making Diego chuckle at how cute she was acting. Sighing one last time, Sarabi decided it was time for sleep. So, laying her head over Roshan's body to give him more warmth and letting sleep take her.


"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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