Chapter 18: Finnick

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Chapter 18: Finnick

Alexa came to the hospital just as Annie predicted.

We saw her pass our room and immediately called for help and explained the threatening that had been going on. She broke into the room occupied with everyone's babies including ours, yeah, she was sick.

By the time she picked up one of the babies that wasn't ours, they had already arrested her. 

Then, she broke out.

In the middle of the night she broke into mine and Annie's home where Darius and Maggie were asleep, Maggie heard and her and Darius were hiding in my room with my trident, once I climbed the side of my house into my room and Maggie handed it to me, I killed Alexa.

I didn't get in trouble, I didn't deserve to obviously. But it was for everyone. It was so that Annie could live in peace, so that our kids could leave in peace, so that I could live in peace.

Finally, we didn't have to worry about what would happen to our kids if they left the house, we didn't have to worry about our two new babies, we were safe. They were safe. And we could all be happy.

And sure enough, we were.

Once we brought home our two babies, Ronan and Riley, everything seemed to have fallen into place.

Maggie finally seemed to be okay, and her and Darius were just as good as ever. Our kids were amazingly healthy for being born a month early, and Annie and I only bickered, never fought.

Everything was finally back into place, and it was all worth the wait and suffering to feel the relief knowing that Alexa couldn't affect our family anymore.


Riley was a beautiful girl, she had the brightest sea blue eyes that looked perfect next to her brother's sea green eyes. I knew one of them would have the trait. 

Riley's hair was a beautiful red color, I couldn't wait to see how it looked as she aged. Ronan's was blonde, and already he was much more heavy than his sister, you couldn't tell they were premature.

We all just had good lives, Maggie got out of school and we all spent summer together, taking the kids to the beach and Maggie and Darius were always out, except for the few times Finnick and I convinced them to babysit for us so we could have our own date nights.

Life was finally. . . Good.

It was better than good, it was great. I loved having twins and seeing Maggie grow. And Finn was doing great with his own babies, too. They were so grown up and beautiful.

For the first time in a long time, everything was finally. . .


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