Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Maggie's POV

"Maggie I didn't know you could cook something like this." Darius says, eating the pasta.

"I didn't know either," He smiles a little.

"So I was sorta curious, Neal and you..."

"You know we're just friends, and for the record, I'm pretty sure he likes Kayla, and they'll be a couple in no time. I know it looks like we could be something more, but no one can make me feel the same way you do." I tell him.

"Okay, sorry to bring it up, I just had to know. You know?" He asks.

I nod, "I know. And even when we can tell people about us, there's always going to be people interested in you, and interested in me. That's never going to change. People get jealous of what they want but can't have, and I think if we told the world tomorrow they would still try to mess with us."

"You have some excellent points," He says.

"Please don't teacher-talk right now," I joke.

He smiles. "How do you like school, though?"

"Well, it's alright, I just wish it was still summertime. What about you?"

"I like teaching, but I think I would have more fun painting." He says.

"You should then, later I mean. When you're ready, you should start painting again, and maybe go to the Capitol and sell your work. I'll go with you." I suggest.

"You'd go with me?" He asks.

"Of course, I'll go anywhere you go."

"That would actually be a lot of fun,"

"Yeah, I think so. I don't know what I want to be though, when it's time to get a job."

"Learn some more recipes and be a cook," He suggests. "I can gurantee at least one customer."

I smile, "That would be fun,"

"While I sell paintings in the Capitol you could take cooking lessons," He says. "We'll both be living the dream."

"Maybe I could even open my own place one day."

"I know you could."

"Did I tell you that last year history was my least favorite subject?" I ask.

"No, and why would that be your least favorite subject? Our parents are so involved with history." He asks the question I knew was coming.

"That's why, I didn't learn anything new because I knew everything. But I like going to history now. They got a really smart good looking teacher, must be why I like the class."

He smirks, "Yeah, I have a very pretty student in my class, she's got this wavy brown hair, and big bright blue eyes. She's gorgeous."

I smile, "I love you Dare,"

"I love you too Maggie."

"Was I honestly your first crush?" I ask.

He nods, "And only,"

"Dare, you haven't dated anyone? I still don't know how that's possible, seriously, have you met yourself? It's ridiculous how flawless you are."

"I'm not flawless, but I just didn't date anyone because I didn't think it'd be worth it. Why date someone just for the heck of it? Why date someone you have no feelings for? Why not wait for someone you actually care about? Someone you love."

"So, you wanted to wait for someone worth the wait?" I ask, he nods. "I'm worth the wait?"

"Mags, you're worth a million years of waiting."

He kisses me, sending cold electricity down my spine. How does it work like that? Whatever it is, I know only he'll be able to have that effect on me.

"So follow up question," I say. "Your first kiss was with me?" 

He nods, "Yup."

How did I get so lucky as to go out with a guy who is flawless in every way, and has never once had a girlfriend?

"I sometimes wonder if it bothers you, knowing you weren't my first boyfriend. You were my second, but if I knew you were coming along, I wouldn't have dated the other guy." I tell him.

"It doesn't bother me, all it did was made me jealous that he beat me to the punch." He says, and smiles a little.

"He may have beat you to the punch, but you definetely won the fight."


Author's Note

Hey everyone! So I got back from Disneyland, and it was fun. I went on a lot of rides and ate some really good food and had fun with my two sisters, parents, and grandpa. Sorry for the later update, but Disney is Disney, I'm sure you understand if you've ever experienced the fun times you can have at Disneyland. 

Also the cool part at Disneyland was seeing a celebrity. Anyone watch/like Girl Meets World? You know the girl who plays Maya, Sabrina Carpenter? I saw her! She saw me looking at her, because I didn't believe it, since I've never met a celebrity and she waved and I waved back.

The bad part about that, was my little sister was waiting outside of the ride she went on and got off of, and she walked and talked with her for awhile. 

Not cool.

Anyways, I've realized a pattern unentionally put in this book reguarding Darius and Maggie's relationship... Hehehehe.

So, if you remember, Finnick had one girlfriend, (Sarah) and Annie had none. 

Remember how Finnick felt bad and always regretted dating Sarah because Annie made him realize its better to wait?

Ring a bell?! 

I can't believe it's in there, I didn't even mean to. I just kinda realized it though, and I wondered if any of you guys noticed it, and if you did, did you think that I was purposely doing it?

Well I'm not, so let me know what you guys think, and I hope you like the book so far.

Once again, sorry for the late update, and I hope to hear from you all soon!

Bye, talk to you next time. 


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