Another Day In Hell

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I could feel the warm sunlight on the back of my neck. I pulled the cotton sheets over my head as I turned over. I didn't want to wake up; at least not yet. Opening my right eye, I could see the room was filled with light. I glanced at the clock, 10:18 a.m.

Work in an hour, I thought to myself. Reluctantly, I rolled out of bed and walked to my kitchen.

The kitchen was about a 10 second walk from my room. In this very small apartment, it didn't take very long to go from one room to the next. I grabbed a bowl, an open box of Trix, and some milk. Eating slowly, thoughts about the next few days ran through my mind.

Pierce The Veil would be coming to play at my local venue and I bought a ticket to go! Pierce The Veil was my favorite band and my room was lined with posters of them. I even had a small tattoo on my lower back of the band's name. They saved my life, they were my life and I loved them more than anything.

My mind finally snapped out of it. "Shit!" I yelled seeing the clock said 11:00 a.m. I quickly showered and threw on a white, tight v-neck with black skinny jeans. Grabbing my shoes, I ran out to my car.

I arrived at work just in time. I hated this place. I worked at a small restaurant as a waitress. My boss was a jerk and my hours were slow and long. I pulled on my apron and grabbed my notepad waiting for customers.

"Samantha!". Someone screamed my name. I turned around to see my boss glaring at me. He was a small, short man who was balding on top of his head and had a bit of a weight problem. He looked mad.

"What?" I asked.

"Didn't I tell you Monday that the minute you walk into this place you are to clean the tables and counters?!"

"Yes, but-"

"No god damned buts. Clean!" He stormed off and left me alone in the dining room. I looked around for a cloth and some spray. Cleaning, I thought about looking for a new job. I didn't know how much longer I would be able to put up with his rude names and comments. I was never good enough. Just like my parents told me....


I arived back at my apartment. I wasn't hungry. Thankfully I had a day off tomorrow so that my friend and I would be able to go shopping for the concert. She was going with me and we planned on meeting PTV together. My best friend, Val, and I had known each other since we were five years old. We'd be through everything together and people thought we were twin sisters. I trusted her with my life. And I wanted her to be with me at the concert. I yawned and pulled of my shoes and plopped on my bed. Sleep came quickly.

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