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Hey! I'm new to this site but I love it! The twilight saga is one of my favorite series, and I never liked Paul's imprint, jacob's sister. I just want to let you know that in this story the pack is together, and i mean as in Jacob's and Sam's packs. It takes place after breaking dawn, when Bella is a vampire and jacob imprinted on Renessmee. Paul also hasn't imprinted yet. I hope you guys like Katrina Waters because she doesn't seem to like herself... Enjoy this story and I want comments and votes please!!!! BTW The picture attached to this Chapter is of Katrina.

Disclaimer: I do not own the twilight saga, Stephinie Meyer does...


I hate today. It was never my decision to move here but it doesn't look like I have a choice. I mean seriously, who wants to live in one of the most rainiest places in the United States? Definitely not me! It was my mother's choice.

Well, here's Katrina Waters in La Push, Washington, mad at her own mother.

I usually don't fight with mother but what did you expect? For me to be happy about moving to the place I never wanted to be and ended up moving there? No!

I know the reason why we moved here, but I don't want anybody to know the reason.

I shook my head, pushing my angry thoughts away. I turned my head to the right to see that it was raining once again. I placed my head on the window staring at the rain when my mother grabbed my hand.

I looked up to see my mother staring at the road, a thoughtful look plastered on her face. She looked off of the road for a second to meet my gaze.

"Katrina, I know you didn't want to move here but we had to," my mother said kindly.

I looked back up to my mothers gaze and instantly forgave her. The sad look on her face reminded me how hurt she was. She's gone through a lot and I don't think I can ever go through how much she did.

"It's okay Mom, really," I replied squeezing her hand in mine.

Mom turned her head to look back at the road. We were already in Forks, Washington, knowing that my new home is not far off.

I turned up the radio seeing that there was no sun all week. I silently hoped it would come up, but I didn't let my hopes get up too high, knowing it probably wouldn't.

I stared back out the window seeing that there was a lot of green. My heart did a little jump now knowing I'll see green where ever I go. I guess i was lucky that my favorite color was green or else I would have probably hated this place even more than I already do.


I turned my head to see my mother turning into a quicky market. She soon parked the car into one of the ONLY billion empty parking spaces. I was so confused I turned in my seat to look at my mother.

"What?" i asked, "are you okay?"

Then my mother bursted out crying. She had so much tears coming out she could have cried a river, as she told me to do when I was younger. Her face beat red, looking like she could be Elmo in person.

I reached over, putting my arm around her shoulders. I held her while she sobbed. I felt scared; I never saw my mother cry. Maybe a few tears but never full on crying.

"I... don't.... want... to.... be... here," mom said between her sobs.

I looked back outside of my window feeling a sense of belonging. I don't know how but I just felt tied down to this place and I have to go find out what it is.

"Mom, it's okay," I said soothing her. "I feel like we belong here. This is where we're supposed to be."

Mom turned her head up to look at me, only seeing that I told her the truth. She nodded her head, pulling herself back up to the steering wheel. I grabbed her arm before one of her hands reached the wheel.

"Mom, I'm not going to let you drive in this condition. You can crash us for all I know. Here we'll switch seats."

My mother nodded and started to crawl over my lap. How can she think I meant it like this? Uh!

"Not that way!" I shouted, " I meant go around the car to the other door!"

"Oh!" She stated as if this idea never occurred to her.

I shook my head with a smile on my face, happy to have my old mother back. I opened the car door scared to go out into the pouring rain.

Suddenly I felt a push on my back, shoving me out into the rain. It immediately got me soaking wet.

I looked back at what had shoved me and not to my surprise did I see my mother laughing at me. I just glared at her as I started walking around the truck.

I looked up to the sky looking at all the rain. I felt like the rain. Sad, felt let down, trying to hold all the pieces together.

I haven't cried once, knowing that if I cried it just make my mother even sadder.

I looked into the car to see my mother having her legs pulled up to her chest, her head on her head on her knees while she was crying.

At the look of her I felt like I should cry myself. My eyes seemed to be ready for that because tears began blur my vision. I quickly whipped them away, not wanting to show how weak I can be.

I soon felt a presence nearby. I looked up to see no one but my mother and I. There was one other heartbeat though, one faster than my mother's and mine. I couldn't see anything but a pair of brown eyes staring at me from the woods.

"I see you." I said simply.

The eyes widened the tiniest bit and started to walk away.

"Wait, please." i asked.

The movement stopped so I took the chance to look to make sure my mother was asleep. Luckily, she was.

"I'm not going to tell anyone about you ya know? I don't gossip and I just moved here, and I don't plan on talking to anyone but my mom but I wouldn't tell her if you don't want me to."

The "thing" turned around exposing a black wolf head. I seemed shocked at first but then a smile appeared on my face. The wolf must have not expected this because it cocked it's head to the side.

I chuckled as I walked over to the wolf, my necklace in my hand.

"The wolf is actually my favorite animal. Not just because I just found one but i've loved wolves since I was, um, thirteen I think. I even have this necklace to prove it," I said, showing my sterling silver necklace carved into a wolf.

The wolf nodded but when a howl split the air it turned around and then looked back at me, urgency in it's eyes.

"Go. I understand, every wolf has a job. Maybe I'll see you again some day. And I absolutely promise I will not tell anyone about you, it will be a secret between us."

I started to walk away when I felt the wolf behind me pushing me towards the car. I thought this meant the wolf wanted me to move faster so that's what I did. I ran toward my car and closed the door but when I looked back for the wolf it was gone.

I shrugged it off and started to drive away.

A/N: remember to comment and vote, or else I won't upload the next chapter!!! 

P.S. I don't lie :)

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