Chapter 16

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Hey! I'm updating on my iTouch again, my cousin keeps stealing the laptop... Grrrrr.... I hope you enjoy this chapter, this explains what Katrina's father did to her family. I cried when I wrote this chapter! Well, enjoy!


Chapter 16 (Paul's imprint)

I was frozen in shock. My father's here? In La Push? How did he find me?

"What?" I asked in a whisper. I could tell that the pack was also frozen. They could tell by the song I sang for them, that my father broke a big part of me. I felt Carlie rest a hand on my shoulder comfortably. My vision started to get blurry but I knew I wasn't going to see the future. All I saw was tears.

I ran to the exit of the school. I could hear the whole pack following me along with Kim and Carlie. I didn't slow my pace, I didn't want to get caught. I just wanted my father out of here.

When I reached the door everyone was at my side. Paul was right next to me shaking madly. He couldn't shift though, I was standing right there with Carlie on my other side. I was happy was here and I was also happy no one in the pack imprinted on her. She can't get pulled into this world.

I pushed open the school's door to see a silver range rover parked next to the side of the school. I was able to see a dark figure leaning up against the driver's side door. I smelt the air and recognized that scent as my father's.

My father really was here.

"How DARE you come here?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

My father turned around to look at me in shock. I never yelled at him. At least, I used to never yell at him.

"Don't use that tone of voice with me young lady," my father snapped.

"I will use that tone," I retorted. "You have no right to tell me what to do."

"Yes I do. I am your father."

"You are no father of mine," I said coldly.

I saw my father tense at what I said. But I really don't care. He betrayed me and my mother. He will never be the father I once knew. I looked at my father for the first time in a year. His short black hair was done in the same way but had little of grey in them. I also saw that he was now wearing a suit. A year ago he would never wear a suit. He said they were "so old-fashioned". I guess she changed him.

"What did you say?" my father asked, I could see the hurt in his hazel eyes. I got his eyes so every day when I looked in the mirror I would see him looking back.

"I said you are no father of mine. You lied to me, and mom! You lied to us for thirteen years! How do you expect me to forgive you? Even if we are blood related, you will never be the father I once knew and loved."

"Katrina, I had to-"

"No you didn't. You cheated on Mom for thirteen years, until I caught you."

I heard gasps from all around me. A lot of people obviously didn't expect my father to do this. Neither did I until I turned eight and saw my babysitter and my dad whispering into each other's ears lovingly.

"Fine. Explain your side of the story," my father ordered.

"Alright, I will."

I took a deep breath and looked up to meet Paul's gaze. He looked at me a look of sympathy before make a gesture, telling me to continue. I looked into Paul's eyes while I was explaining what happened.

"I was four when my mother suggested I should get a babysitter instead of going to a day-care center. We started having interviews with people. My father liked none of them until a blonde one came into the room. My father looked at her, disgusted until she started flirting with him. I was young at the time but I noticed that he was flirting right back. My mother didn't notice though, she was too busy talking to the other babysitters. I didn't think much of it then. I got older, went to school, but then I noticed my father coming home later and later as the days went on. I was always I smart kid, very observant if you know what I mean." I laughed at my little joke but I could still feel the tears in my eyes, begging to fall.

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