Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I have only had three reads! Only three! But I have also had one vote so, out of the goodness of my heart, I will post the first chapter. Here you go.... Also, I don't own the Twilight saga, Stephenie Meyer does....

Chapter 1

"Katrina! Wake up! You'll be late to pick up Kim," Mom shouted from downstairs.

"Uh! Fine, but it doesn't mean I want to," I replied as I rolled out of my bed.

I finally was standing on my feet as I walked over to my closet. I opened it up to see most of my clothing consisted of hoodies, t-shirts, tanktops, and jeans.

It's been year since I moved to La Push. Since then I have gotten used to the rain, yes the same thing I was scared to walk into my first day here.

I have also bought a lot of hoodies so I can hide my face from everyone else at school. This was for me so I won't have anyone find out about my secret. But I also did it so I can keep my promise to the black wolf I met on my first day here.

Although I did break that promise a little bit by being friends with Kim.Even though I told the black wolf I didn't PLAN on making friends I somehow Kim came into the picture.

I tried to avoid everybody but Kim seemed just like me by being shy and not talking to anybody so I allowed us to be friends. Although I didn't tell her about the wolf so technically I kept my promise.

I grabbed a U-Conn t-shirt that I got when I was fifteen years old when my mom and I visited there checking out the campus. I also grabbed my gray hoodie with a wolf marking on the back. For the lower part of my body I chose black skinny jeans with my black and white Converse.

I sat on my bed collecting all my school books that I would need for today. It's actually a lot because by the time I finished packing my bag it felt like it weighed twenty pounds!

I heaved my backpack down the stairs, it making a clunking sound anytime it hit the stairs. It was still a few twenty feet before I reached the kitchen so instead of carrying my bag I just dragged it all the way to the kitchen.

By the time I made it to the kitchen I realized that my mother woke me up early. Mom was seated on the counter, a coffee mug in her hands. She was reading a newspaper, her blonde hair thrown over her shoulders.

I walked over to the counter, to where my mother was, and grabbed a cup of coffee for myself. Mom didn't realize I was there until I grabbed her empty mug out of her hands to refill it.

"Katrina!" she shouted holding a hand up to her heart, "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

I laughed at her response, knowing I don't usually get to sneak up on her with out her noticing. I tried to sneak up on her when I was a little kid but instead of me scaring her she turned around and made me wet my pants.

"Why'd you wake me up early today?" I asked, taking a sip o my coffee.

"Actually I didn't Peanut, you just got ready really quickly."

I smiled at the sound of my nickname. Mom's been calling me "peanut" ever since I was born. It started because I was very small for my age. But, for some reason, she still calls me "peanut" even though I'm 5'4''. I never fully understood my mother.

"Do you have a hot date or something?" Mom asked, breaking into my thoughts.

I blushed for a reason I don't even know. I haven't had a boyfriend since before we moved to La Push. His name was Jackson, and we dated for about three months until he dumped me right before I was about to tell him I was moving.

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