Chapter 7

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Hey Guys! I am posting this chapter earlier than usual because I got two new fans, and two more comments! Thank you LunaMoon365 and KaylaBrown035. You guys are making me and other people very happy!

This chapter is a lot shorter than usual. Please forgive me.

ONE OF THE CONTESTS IS OVER! THERE IS NO WINNER! Katrina being able to hear the heartbeat is explained in this chapter. Thanks!!!


Chapter 7

Kim and I didn't get to finish our conversation before class began. Mrs. Bickerman handed back our sheets from yesterday. She gave Kim and I a big smile as she pasted by us. She is really starting to grow on me.


I ran to my locker hoping to get there in time to talk to Kim before Jared or Paul show up. I also wanted to catch her before she ran for lunch.

I reached my locker seeing Kim still hasn't show up.

I quickly put my books away, now waiting for Kim. She ran over and spotted me almost immediately.

"Explain! Please!" she shouted, throwing books inside her locker.

"Okay he was telling me about his crush and how he feels about her. When he was saying it to me I felt a weird feeling inside of me. I soon recognized it as jealousy from when I found out about Jackson," I quickly explained.

"Are you sure you just wanted to be loved like that? Or you wanted HIM to love you like that?"

I saw Jared and Paul come around the corner so I quickly grabbed Kim's wrist and dragged her towards the cafeteria.

"I wanted it to be him because I thought about that in other classes. I soon realized I didn't want it with any other guy. I wanted Paul," I concluded when we reached the cafeteria.

Kim nodded as she ran towards the lunch lines. I headed toward our table enjoying the quiet.

I went through my thoughts for the millionth time since I realized I was jealous.

"Why am I jealous?" I asked myself.

Kim sat down beside me and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Well I don't know exactly but we will soon find out," Kim explained.

Kim took her arm away from my shoulders and held her hand out for a carrot. I handed her one then put my hands up to my forehead, resting my elbows on the table.

"Why am I jealous?" I asked myself again.

To my surprise I heard a chuckle from behind me. It echoed around the cafeteria, causing many people to turn our way.

I turned around to see Paul looking down at me, Jared a few feet behind him.

"Well I don't know exactly but... Do you mind if we sit here?" paul asked.

I didn't know what to say. Why did Paul and Jared want to sit with us? We weren't popular.

"No!" Kim shouted from next to me, "You guys can sit here. Right Katrina?"

I still couldn't say anything so I just nodded my head.

Paul immediately smiled and sat down on my other side. Jared sat on Kim's other side, already starting a conversation.

"They're going to make such a cute couple," I whispered to Paul.

"Well I don't know anything about 'cute couples' because all the couples I've been near are too annoying to be 'cute'."

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