Chapter 3

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Hey guys! I have gotten more votes and comments! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway I just wanted to let you know that this Chapter is VERY IMPORTANT! Please read the authors note at the end because I plan on having a CONTEST! READ NOW!!!!!!

Disclamer: I do not own twilight....

Chapter 3

 I walked to my locker, without Kim beside me. Only an empty space was at my side as I walked through the empty hallways.

This world shouldn't exist. This world is too quiet, without anyone there to back you up. Kim was always there for me, always had my back. I didn't always have Kim's though. She still was my best friend. Always.

I made it to my locker, opening it without thinking. My locker was decorated but not with things a usual girl would have. Such as a mirror, pictures of the boy she like, and magazine cut-outs.

My locker was filled with pictures of wolves that I've seen through my whole life, classical music notes, and pages of the last stories I've written.

I grabbed my supplies for my next class, English.

English has always been one of my favorite classes throughout my whole life. My friends from my home town always said I should become an author. Always said my pieces of writing were like a professional wrote them.

No one in the town of La Push has ever seen or heard my writing. At least not yet.

I planned on asking my English teacher, Mrs. Lee, to read the beginning of one of my stories, without telling who the author is. Then I want the students to write their thoughts about the story on index cards and I can read them and decide on weather or not I should be an author.

I closed my locker and slid my back along my locker till I was sitting on the floor. I closed my eyes trying to think about all that's happened since I moved to La Push.

Although I tried to keep my mind away, the black wolf kept coming back into my mind. I still remember how it's fur seemed so perfectly trimmed, as if it always got it cut. It's brown eyes I could never forget, they seemed more human than wolf. Is that even possible?

All the sudden my phone started to buzz in my pocket. It must be my mom because her and Kim are the only one's who have this number. Although I don't think it's Kim because she's too busy staring at Jared.

I slid the phone out of my pocket, it gliding easily. I looked at the caller I.D. seeing it was blocked.


I don't think I have even one blocked number on this phone. Although I didn't set this phone up. My mother did. This person must be pretty bad if my mother blocked the number.

I debated with myself about answering the phone, but curiously soon won.

"Hello?" I asked, hearing the suspicion in my voice.

"Katrina? Don't hang up. It's your dad," the person on the other side of the line said hurriedly.

I froze never wanting to have to ever hear that voice.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted into the phone.

"Katrina I don't think you understand-" my father tried to explain, but I wouldn't let him.

"No! I do understand, I don't ever want to see you ever again!"

"Katrina I had to-"

"You had to?! No you didn't!"

"But Katrina if I continued-"

"If you continued?! You shouldn't have even started! I-I-I-"

"What?" he shouted no angry with me.

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