Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I got one more vote, but I think I'll lay off a bit on the voting and comments. I'll still upload new chapters but if you comment and vote I will upload faster :) Here's chapter 2 and this is very important to the story, also please don't stop reading! It is a really good story, the next chapter is VERY important. Thanks! Enjoy!

Chapter 2 (Paul's imprint, complete)

I ate my fruit cup while walking into school. I didn't care if I got wet because my hood was already up, as it is usually all day. My feet stepped in the puddles quietly not wanting to bring any attention to myself.

I looked up to see Kim waiting for me right inside school doors. She's such a great friend. We always walked together because our lockers were right next to each others. Thank you teachers!

Both Kim and I care about our grades so we both help each other study, get to class on time, and stand up for each other. We also sit next to each other in all of the classes we have together.

Once we reached our lockers Kim nearly squealed in delight. Jared's locker is right next to Kim's, on the left side, so she can easily look at him. Although they've never made eye contact or talk to each other, Kim's still happy.

Unfortunately for me, Paul Lahote's locker is on my right side.

Paul really annoys me. He always a player. He never stayed with just one girl. It drives me crazy every time I see a new girl at his side everyday. Although some would come back, but only for a day. I swear girls are just lining up to be with him.

Catherine Candels was with him the other day, and she's just above me and Kim on the popularity list. Paul's tried it on Kim but she always turned him down because of her feelings for Jared. He's never tried it on me and I'm grateful for that.

Kim and I made it to our lockers, Jared already done getting his stuff. Kim's grin turned into a frown as she watched him walk away.

By the time I got my locker opened Kim just started to do her combo to hers. To my disappointment, Paul decided to walk over right at that second, holding Diane Willis's hand. I quickly took out my iPod with my headphones and turned on the symphony I was listening to earlier in the car.

I grabbed my books for Math, closed my locker, and helped Kim get her math textbook. When I got it out I walked toward my favorite class with my best friend at my side.

We finally made it to room 241 with everyone in the hallway laughing and staring at us.

I headed to the seat in the back corner, closest to the window. Kim finally made it over after she tried one last time to see Jared before class began.

The bell rang just as Kim sat down next to me, yanking headphones out of my iPod so the music stopped.

"Hey!" I whispered.

Kim only smirked as she put my iPod and headphones in my bag. When she did that I knew that meant I wasn't allowed to touch them until after class.

I sighed as Mrs. Bickerman came into the class. I thought her name suited her well because all she does is bicker. Even if she is mean she can never destroy my love for Math.

Kim and I were taking Pre-calc this year and we both loved it.

"Okay. Good morning class," Mrs. Bickerman said in a angry tone, "Today we are going to do a partner activity."

The whole class cheered but Kim and I just smiled knowing that Mrs. Bickerman didn't like loud noises.

"Hey!" Mrs. Bickerman shouted at the class, "Eaveryone stop cheering, it's against the rules to yell, unless it's me. The only people that I will give extra credit to, for not cheering, is Katrina and Kim."

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