Chapter 5

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Hey Everybody! I just wanted to let you now that I changed the plot again. JACOB DID NOT IMPRINT! I plan on making a series with all the pack's imprints, so Bella is a vampire, had Renessmee, but Jacob did not imprint on her. The pack didn't kill Renessmee because Jacob knew how much she meant to Bella and he didn't want to hurt her. So.... My next story will be with Jacob's imprint. Join the contest if you want to be his mate :)

Here's the story:

Chapter 5 (Paul's imprint, complete)

Finally, the end of the day. I love school but I swear at times I just want to get out!

I was walking out of the school alone because I heard Jared asking Kim to go on a date with her.

I smiled knowing they would make a cute couple, but the sad variable is that I would have to here Kim talk about him even MORE! I don't know if I can do that.

I was walking to my car when I saw Embry Call exit the school. I quickly walked over to him and whispered while I was walking by.

"You didn't give her the carrots," I whispered, remembering I didn't smell carrots in English. If Kim had eaten them carrots would have wafted around the room.

Embry froze when he heard me. He obviously thought I wouldn't know.

"I offered," he objected.

"Whatever you say," I shouted over shoulder.

I walked back to my car already feeling the heat if the car against my skin.

Before I got to the car I saw Jared walk out of the school. I remembered we had to do our project so I walked over to him.

"Hey Jared?" I asked.

Jared lifted his gaze to look at me.

"Oh, hey Katrina. What's up?"

"I just wanted to ask you when we should work on our project. We could do it at your house but we could also do it at mine."

"Oh yeah... How 'bout tomorrow after school? We should probably do it at your house because my mom will just keep bothering us where we can't get our work done."

"Okay. Well we'll do it at my place but around three o'clock though because I have to drop Kim of at her house. 'Kay?"


I handed Jared a piece of paper with my address written on it. He accepted it and started walking towards the woods. Weird.

I started walking towards my car, seeing Kim already waiting.

I made it to the car and unlocked the doors so Kim and I don't have to stand in the rain any longer.

"Why were you talking to Jared?" Kim asked when we were inside the car.

I drove out of the school parking lot, everyone staring at my car.

"We were talking about when to do our project. We're working on it at my house after school."


"So why were YOU talking to Jared at our lockers?"

Kim's face lit up like a Christmas tree. A wide grin spread out across her face, and the dreamy look came into her eyes again.

"Jared asked me out!" Kim squealed.

"Yay!" I cheered trying to make her happy.

Kim and I talked about their date until I reached her house. I usually would have came into her house, but today I decided to go to my house.

I drove back to my house, Bach filling my ears. The driveway was empty as usual when I got home.

I unlocked the front door and threw my backpack on the couch. I looked at the clock seeing it was only 2:45. It would be another couple of hours before my mother came home so I decided to do my homework.

I was almost finished when I heard a stick crack in my backyard. It was nice out so I expected to hear animals in the backyard. But this was loud for a normal animal.

I jumped off the couch, tiptoeing toward my back door. I slowly opened the door, feeling something tense outside. Still the thing didn't run away.

I was now on the porch the door handle still in my hands. I slowly closed the door behind me, still feeling the presence of the animal.

I looked into the woods next to my house to see little bit of silver fur. I looked up to where the eyes would be and a scared pair of brown eyes met mine.

"I see you," I said simply to the animal.

The animal didn't move. My voice seemed to calm the animal though. Huh, usually animals would have been more scared by my voice.

"You know, I see you have brown eyes, silver fur, and your calmed by my voice."

The animal only showed me it's silver snout. It was just like the black wolf's. Perfectly trimmed, groomed, yet also messed up.

Suddenly, a beautiful thought came into my mind. It was perfect and I can even add it to my collection.

"Can you stay here?" I asked the wolf.

The wolf only slightly nodded but I still took my chances.

I ran inside, faster than I have ever run before. I grabbed my notebook from my backpack and my drawing supplies from the counter.

I ran back outside to see the wolf still there. I smiled at it as I took a seat in the lawn chair.

"Please stay still," I ordered the wolf.

The wolf sat still as I drew it. The picture was drawn to show the wolf in the same position but it's whole head exposed from the trees. I drew it's silver fur lightly showing magnificent detail. The shadows were darkened but you can still see ever piece of fur.

I turned the notebook to show the wolf it's drawing. The wolf's eyes widened the tiniest bit, obviously surprised at my talent.

"You like it?" I asked.

The wolf nodded. Showing me a very wolffy grin.

I laughed, it echoing around my empty backyard. I wasn't the least bit creeped out that the wolf could understand me.

"Do you mind if I talk and sing to you?" I asked the wolf.

The wolf shook it's head. Yay! Someone to talk to!

"Well I guess I'll tell you about my day. Today, I guess you can say three things happened. Jared and Kim look like their going to start dating. Shocker! Kim's only been talking about him for over a year now. I got in a fight today, well not really I didn't get to do anything to the other girl. A guy named Paul stared at me in a VERY weird way. I don't know how to explain it, I guess I could use a simile I heard one day. He stared at me like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time."

The wolf's eyes widened when I said Paul's name. He now seemed more interested in the conversation.

"He now follows me everywhere. It's really kind of scary. It's like now he's in love with me. But he's a player, and I don't think I could ever trust someone enough to date them ever again."

A tear rolled down my cheek, I didn't even realize I had tears in my eyes until I felt something wet on my cheek. It stopped raining; the sun was out, so it couldn't have been rain.

The wolf whined from the woods. One of it's massive paws came out of the woods and took a step toward me. It's whole body was out of the woods and was coming toward me.

I stood up from the lawn chair and sat on the ground instead. I wanted the wolf to know I would not be a threat.

More tears came down my cheeks, so many I had to close my eyes. Suddenly I felt something warm wrap around my whole body.

I opened up my eyes enough to see the wolf wrapped it's whole body around me, it's head on my lap, eyes looking up to me.

I put my hand in front of me to pet the wolf's head. It's fur was very soft underneath my fingers.

"His name is Jackson," I started.

The wolf opened it's eyes to look back up at me, obviously wanting to know what happened to me.

"We dated for three months. We were the happy couple, the one everyone was jealous of. I learned that my mom and I had to move and Jackson and I had to break up. When I went to his house I heard another voice inside. They were flirting with Jackson and he was flirting right back. I marched inside to see him kissing another girl. I was so stunned all I could yell was, 'We're through!' He said he's been cheating on me since we just started dated. I couldn't take it. Now I don't think I could ever trust a guy enough to give my heart to him."

The wolf whined, probably feeling my pain. It felt good to talk it out, even with a wolf.

"Thank you for listening," I told the wolf.

The wolf barked, it sounded like it was trying to tell me something.

"What do you think? Bark if you think Jackson is a jerk?"

The wolf barked, and I smile appeared on my face.

"Thanks. What do you think I should do about the Paul situation?" I asked the wolf, playing with some of it's fur.

The wolf barked, making me look into it's eyes. When I did I thought I heard what it was thinking.

'Give him a chance.'

"You think I should give him a chance?" I asked the wolf.

The wolf nodded.

"Okay, but only because I believe you."

The wolf smiled again and put it's head back in my lap.

"Do you mind if I sing to you?" I asked.

The wolf shook it's head, waiting patiently for me to begin.

Then I started singing...

You've got a face for a smile, you know
A shame you waste it when you're breaking me slowly
But I've got a world of chances for you
I've got a world of chances for you
I've got a world of chances, chances that you're burning through

I've got a paper and pen
I go to write a goodbye and that's when I know
I've got a world of chances for you
I've got a world of chances for you
I've got a world of chances, chances that you're burning through

Oh, I'm going my own way, my faith has lost its strength again
Oh, it's been too hard to say, we've fallen off the edge again
We're at the end, we're at the end

Maybe you'll call me someday
Hear the operator say the number's no good
And that she had a world of chances for you
She had a world of chances for you
She had a world of chances, chances you were burning through
Chances you were burning through, chances you were burning through

You've got a face for a smile you know...

The wolf stared at me in awe. Probably never thought I had that strong of a voice.

I lied back down on the wolf again and feel into a deep sleep...

A/N: Thanks Guys! The song that Katrina sang  was "World of Chances" by Demi Lovato. I'll put the YouTube clip next to this Chapter. Oh yeah, I might have to shorten the contest about Katrina being able to hear the heartbeat but the one about Katrina hating father still doesn't have a closing date.



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