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Selena's POV

"oh come on stop!" i shout bursting out in laughter seeing Demi make them silly faces again. Shes a weirdo ill tell you that much.

"what you dont like Silly Billy?" she asked with a weird voice making me tear up as i hit her arm falling down on the bed crying out in laughter. Me and Demi have always been close actually since we were 8 best friends since than and she has always been there for me even through tough times like.... my break up with Justin.

"Demi stop it your gonna make me pee myself" i laughed seeing her laugh with me than i noticing her holding her phone up making my eyes widen realising she was recording this.

"hell no! DEMI STOP" i shout jumping on her causing her to groan and me to giggle as i grab her phone and stick my tongue out to the camera than stop the recording.

"your to late Gomez i already put it on my story on Snapchat" Demi says laughing with her evil laugh making me gasp as i hit her.

"you bastard noooooo" i shout dramaticly raising my hands up as i stare up than we both fill the room with laughter as we lay down beside each other on my bed.

"we.are.such.weirdos" i say breathing heavily as Demi giggles beside me.

"yeah i think i already noticed that when we first met" she says making me giggle as we let out a sigh before sitting up.

"im hungryyyy" i whine letting my head fall back and groan hearing Demi groan too as she lets out a sigh looking at me with the 'seriously' look making me giggle.

"your always hungry you non human girl" she says as we stand up making me smile as she starts walking out and i follow her like a lost puppy.


"YAY" i shout seeing her stop the car infront of Ihop making me smile widley seeing her giggle as we get out of the car and walk inside.

"decited yet?" i asked Demi seeing her roll her eyes making me smile than it slowly fates and my eyes widen as i see who is standing behind Demi.

"Fuck" i whisper shout seeing Demi look at me weirdly. I start to panick so i try to cover myself and grab Demi's cap putting it on my head and hiding my face hoping he wouldnt notice.

"the fuck you doing s-

"shhh" i sush at her before she could say my name and i notice him walking past us out of the doors making me let out a breath i didnt even realise i was holding in.

"aight what the fuck was that?" Demi asks raising eyebrows as I nervously laugh blushing a little.

"I kinda saw Justin" i said embarressed as her mouth falls open making me giggle nervously afraid of what she was gonna say cuz lets face it Demi could be really scary.

"well good job hiding" she says bursting out in laughter as i roll my eyes.

"yeah thanks" i said seeing her bite on her lips holding in the laughter thats when i felt someone was behind me and when i turned around there he was.

"Justin?" i said confused. He had changed ... and a lot if i may say. god damn he actually looked manly and ... hot! he had changed his hair to blonde and he had a lot more mussels now than i remember.

"Wow Selena you have changed" he says with a smirk making me bite on my lip hearing his husky voice as i smile.

"me ? changed? Justin have you looked in a mirror you have changed A LOT!" i said checking him out as he chuckles and hugs me and of course i hugged back than pulled away and smiled.

"you look amazing" he says and smiles checking me out making me blush a little and bite down on my bottom lip.

"you too so ehm well what are you doing here?" i asked seeing him smirk as he puts his fingers through his blonde hair gosh it was hot. i missed seeing him do that.

"oh well im just here with my wife visiting her parents" he said smiling and my heart drops... hes married ?

"oh your married wow" i said as he nods. I knew he was a little older than me but still being married at 26 isnt really that good idea...

your just jealous

fuck off i am not!

"yeah her name is Hailey" he says and i just nod hoping he wouldnt notice how dissapointed and hurt i was in my eyes. i almost bust out in tears right there and than.

"cool well it was nice seeing ya Justin but ehm im starving so" i said pointing away as I turn away and walk forward hearing him let out a sigh mumbling something than walks away.

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