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Selena's POV

"cant you just stay over a little longer ?" i begged whining as he chuckles. oh come on could you blame me? i wanted him to stay over longer.

"im sorry baby but i cant i have to take care of few things" he says pecking my lips making me groan as i see him walk out and shut the door leaving me there all alone.

"welp... im bored" i tell myself letting out a sigh my eyes widening as i run to the bathroom opening the toilet and vomit.

"fuck!" i shout puking over and over again but once i stopped i managed to go to mo room picking my phone up and calling the one person that always takes care of me when im sick.

"Demi? can you come over i think im sick" i said my throat hurting by saying all those words.

"awh baby of course" she says and hangs up making me smile as i get to the living room with my sheets covering over me and have a bucket just in case. Now it was just waiting for Demi to arrive.


"SELENA IM HERE TO SAVE THE DAY" i hear Demi shout behind my front door making me giggle as i stand up to get it seeing her smile as she hugs me.

"ugh dont hu-

I couldnt continue i just ran to the living room and puked in the bucket. I couldnt even breath for a moment i just puked. what the hell is wrong with me.

"awh your sick my baby" Demi says making me smile after i finally finished puking and just stood up barely being able to speak.

"yeah" i smile sitting on the couch and soon Demi joins me with a bowl of soup and she starts playing the Titanic making me smile as i eat and watch and cry.

Justin ♥️ :  hey baby how you doin?

Me: ugh sick it seams i cant stop puking but i got Demi so all good 😊

Justin ♥️: awh ❤️ you sure you dont want me to come over babe?

Me: ofc i do but your busy and i dont want to make you bail on it so just stay where you are i got Demi here 😊

I smile of how worried he was of me but get kinda scared and emotional at the same time. What if Hailey finds out again? what If Justin doesnt wanna divorce Hailey? what if he wants to stay between two women ? Am i a slut ?

"oh god" i say letting out a sigh as i cuddle closer to Demi hearing her giggle a little as she holds me tight in her arms. this is why we're friends.

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