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*4 months later*

Selena's POV

"Selena you in there ?" i hear Justin shout from behind the bathroom door making me nervous as i stand infront of the mirror looking at my now showing baby belly. how am i gonna hide this?

"yeah just a minute" i say letting out a sigh putting on a lose dress so it wouldnt show i had gotten a little fat.

"babe you ok?" he asks making me smile as i Twist the door knob and open the door seeing him smile and hug me kissing my cheek. Im surprised he didnt feel my baby belly poking him.

"yeah im fine" i smiled pressing my lips against his feeling him smile through it and kiss me back grabbing my hips and pulling me closer.

"mmm Justin as much as i wanna do this im starving" i giggled seeing him chuckle grabbing my hand and leads me to the kitchen so we could cook together.


"mm hows it going over there?" he asks wrapping his hands around me from behind but before he could connect his hands around me i pushed away.

"babe you ok?" he asks confused while i curse in my head. im screwed arent i?

"yeah im just cooking and your distracting me" i lied taking a peak at his confused face as he slowly nods like he wasnt sure to believe me or not.

"sure ? is there something you arent telling me cuz you have been acting kinda weird these past months" he says... shit shit shit shit shit he was getting suspicious.

"im fine Justin trust me nothings wrong probably just my time of the month or something" i lied seeing him nod but this time confident.... phew got out of that one,

"ight babe" he smiles and kisses my cheek turning around and the guilt hits me, ugh why cant i seam to tell the father of my child that im pregnant with his baby it shouldnt be this hard Selena.

Justin's POV

These past months Selena has been acting kinda strange i mean yeah i have noticed she has gotten a little weight but if she thinks that she is ugly or something or just shy than she shouldnt be i mean shes beautiful.

"Whatcha thinking?" she asks clearly fake smiling. there is something bothering her and i could just tell by how she smiles more and more it becomes fake. There is something eating her up and im gonna find out what it is.....

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