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Selena's POV

"So look i better go but you maybe wanna go for a lunch sometimes ?" Dylan asks making me smile and bite my lower lip the guy is super hot why would i say no!

"sure give me your phone" i said putting my hand out hearing him chuckle.

"well that was unexpected thought a beautiful girl like you wouldnt rob a guy" he says making me laugh as i hit his arm.

"im not gonna steal you phone for fuck sakes so unless you dont want my phone number than aight" i said seeing him gasp.

"no no no no take it" he says grabbing his phone handing me it making me giggle as i type in my number and save it than we say bye and he leaves. I than turn around seeing Justin's jealous face.

"whats with you?" i asked him as he shakes his head groaning. He always looked sexy when he was mad or jealous.

"nothing wanna go home or ?" he asks as i giggle biting my lower lip.

"oh stop being so jealous Justin" i said slapping his arm.

"im not-

"dont lie to me" i said seeing a smile appear on his face as he hugs me making me giggle as he lifts me up.

"you know me so well" he said as i laugh my arms wrapped around his neck feeling him slap my butt making me laugh than he slowly lets me down my arms still wrapped around his neck our faces only inches apart.

"I ehm... should we go?" he asks and i felt his warm breath on my lips making me bite my lower lip.

"y yeah w we should" i stuttered out lips brushing against each other until he finally presses his lips against mine making me smile as i kiss him back both hungry for more as he grabs my hips and pulls me closer to his body.

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