~Asriel's POV~

"Mom!" I yelled from the opening of the living room. She poked her head out of the kitchen to where I could see her and she smiled.

"Yes Asriel?" She asked me.

"Where's Dad?" I asked back with my half high pitched half low pitched voice.

"Oh, he went to do some royal business. He should be back soon."

"Ok," I replied, nodding, then looking at the front door. "Is it ok if I go out for a while?"

Mom smiled even bigger. "Your favorite flower patch, I'm guessing?"

I smiled back and nodded again. "Yeah, I just like the flowers there."

"Do you have your cell phone on you?" I nodded and hummed in response. "Good, then yes, you may leave."

I smiled bigger and waved goodbye as Mom waved back, then turned to walk out the front door.

I walked down the long white hallway. My family and I did live near the castle of the Underground where the king lives, but even though my dad is the king, he still has to leave home a lot to work, and stays away for quite a while. Mom is the queen, but she doesn't do all the important royal stuff like Dad, she's just a stay-at-home mom now. I sometimes wonder what she would be doing if she hadn't had me, but that would probably just be working, like Dad.

I walked through the long hallway with glass windows and the symbol that is on a lot of things down here; a small circle with a pair of wings on either side of it, with three triangles under that, the left and right ones are upright, while the one in the middle is upside-down.

Once I took the elevator down, and finally arrived at Hotland, I asked the River Person to take me to Snowdin - since it is quite a ways away from Hotland. After that, I just followed the path back to the Ruins door, opened it with some magic Mom taught me how to use, and walked down the long purple hallway.

I climbed up the stairs and looked around the old abandoned house. Nobody lived here, and I'm not even sure who lived here when the house was in shape. I crossed the small entrance area and went out the front door to the rest of the Ruins. I never told Mom or Dad how far away my favorite flower patch is, but they never asked, so I didn't tell them. Plus, if I did, I don't think Mom will let me go back.

I finally got to this open room. It was right before I reached the flower patch, but I just liked to stand in this area and admire the silence. But today, it wasn't as silent. After I entered the darkish area, I heard a faint scream. It was filled with terror, and it was coming from the next room, where the flowers were. I ran over to the entrance, under some pillars and then the scream was getting louder, and filled with more fear. The next few moments kind of went by fast.

There was a flash of white and brown that was falling, then a loud THUD, and the white and brown mass just laid on the ground, motionless. I ran over to it, but was still a little hesitant. When I was close enough, I could see that the body that was falling was a human. I hadn't seen one in real life, but according to the books I've read from the Royal Library, this seemed to match the description. The human was laying motionless on their stomach, had short brown hair that was flung in front of their face, a white t-shirt with something red on their right shoulder and down their neck, brown pants, similar to mine, and bare feet.

I slowly walked closer, then found a stick on the ground. I picked it up and poked the human's back. "H-Hey?" I asked. "Are you ok?" I poked them again, but they didn't move. I dropped the stick and ran over to where their face would be. I flipped them onto their back and their hair covered their face. I moved it away and saw that spreading from their right eye up to the right side of their forehead was a lot of red stuff. I figured it was blood, and there was so much that it was running down their face and onto their neck and stopping on their right shoulder.

I leaned over and saw a sort of big flat rock with some dark red blood on it. They must've landed on the rock when they fell. I then realized something else that I read; If a human looses to much blood from their system, they could die - and this human was loosing to much already.

"I'll get help." I said to them, even though I'm quite positive they couldn't hear me. I picked them up bridal style and their head leaned against my green sweater with two yellow stripes. I decided to see if some of my magic that Mom taught me would work, so I teleported the human and myself right in front of my house near the castle. It was draining my energy, but I pressed on.

"Mom!" I yelled when I opened the door. "Mom I need your help!"

Mom ran into the living room, worry across her face. "What's wrong Asriel?" She asked, then saw the unconscious human in my arms.

"I saw them fall," I started, "and when they landed, I went over and looked at them and they were bleeding, a lot. Mom, can you help them?"

Mom looked over the human body and back to me. She then nodded. "Yes, I will do my best, but you need to wait out here, alright?" I nodded in response. "Good, now let me see them." I handed the human to Mom and she went to my room, closing the door behind her.

"I hope their ok," I said to myself, twiddling my paws around.

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