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You guys like the first chapter, so have another *throws chapter at reader-chan's face* enjoy!!!

~The Human's POV~

I opened my eyes, then closed them quickly, since it was bright around me and it hurt my eyes.

Wait, where am I exactly?

I opened my eyes again and kept them open to see a goat lady sitting next to . . . whatever I was on, in a chair to my right. She had white fur, a purple robe with some weird symbol, and half moon glasses on while reading a book.

"Where am I?" I asked weakly, and she looked over at me, taking her glasses off and placing the book on her lap.

"Your in the Underground." She responded, her voice soothing and motherly.

"The Under-what?" I asked back, confused.

She sighed, but didn't sound agrivated. "Do you remember what you were doing last before you woke up?" Uh oh . . . wait, do I remember?

I closed my eyes . . . no my eye. I opened my left eye back up and moved a hand over to my right. I felt some sort of soft material, running from my eye, to the right side of my forehead and it continued around my head. "What is this?" I asked.

"It's some medical wrap," she replied, "you were loosing a lot of blood, so I had to stop it somehow."

I then looked scared. "How did that happen?"

"You fell to the Underground, remember child? My son found you and brought you here. I quickly tried to patch your wound, and I was pretty quick to try and recover you, which I belive I did a good job at doing."

The woman leaned in closer. "Do you remember what you were doing before you fell?" She asked again.

I then closed my eyes once more, trying to remember. It seemed only tid-bits of my memories of when I was - apperiently - above ground were coming back to me.

"I remember standing on a roof," I said, keeping my eyes closed. "I was crying, but I can't remember why. Then, I was walking up a mountain, still sad. I also remember standing on a ledge, possibly on that same mountain, and looking out on a town of some sorts." I opened my eyes and looked at the goat woman. "All I remember after that is falling, then waking up here."

The woman nodded. "You seemed to have hit your head on a rock, causing you to loose blood, and some of your memories, but it could've been a lot worse, so you lucked out."

The woman then gasped, then smiled. "I'm terribly sorry, I never introduced myself. I am Toriel Dreemurr, queen of the Underground."

"Queen?" I said, leaning up on my elbows, still looking at her. "So, is there, like, a king or something down here as well?"

Toriel nodded. "Yes, my husband, Asgore Dreemurr, is the king."

"What about this 'son' you mentioned earlier?" I said, making air quotations around 'son', "What's his name?"

"Oh yes! My son, Asriel Dreemurr, was the one who found you. He seemed quite worried."

I was getting more and more intreegued by this Asriel kid. It could be because he saved my life, but I wasn't exactly sure.

"What about you?" Toriel then asked, snapping me out of a supposed daze. "What is your name?"

I thought on that. Do I even remember my own name? "Um . . ." I began, then gasped, remembering it. "Chara. My name is Chara!"

Toriel smiled happily. "That is great that you remember your name my child." Her smile then faded, returning to a serious look, with some curiosity in it. "How old are you? If you remember."

Greetings {Asriel × Chara} #Wattys2016 #HiddenGemsWhere stories live. Discover now