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~Chara's POV~

After a while of walking down a long white hallway, then a yellow one with stain glass windows, we arrived at this place Asriel called Hotland, and was he right about the title! It was boiling hot here! Thank goodness I was only wearing a t-shirt!

We then walked off an elevator we took and made our way to this River Person. I couldn't tell what gender they were cause they wore a robe that covered all of their body, and even their face, but I never asked.

We then arrived at this place covered in snow called Snowdin. Man, even the town itself was a pun. I never really liked puns in the first place, they just weren't really funny to me, but I didn't really care. It was also freezing, but I actually managed to make it to this tall purple door at the end of some snowy woods. Asriel opened it and we walked in. There was a house that we entered once we got out of a long purple hallway and was that house delapidated! Someone must not have lived here in forever.

After some more walking, Asriel and I got to a small patch of yellow flowers with a pillar of light shining down on them.

"This is where I found you." I looked at Asriel, who was still looking at the flowers when he spoke. "I was just in the other room when I heard you scream, so I picked you up and ran back home to Mom."

I looked back at the flowers and nodded. "Thanks a lot, again."

"No problem."

We then walked over and saw a rock sitting nearby. It was sort of stained a dark red.

"You must've hit your head on this." Asriel said, leaning down and grabbing the rock, just to throw it across the room, not to be seen again in the shadows.

We sat down on the flowers and I softly rubbed their petals. They were soft and not easily able to break. It looked like these flowers may have stained my pants with the yellow streaks.

"What are some things you like to do around here Asriel?" I asked, looking up from the flowers.

Asriel looked up at me, then back to the flowers. "Besides coming here? Nothing. I don't really have any friends around here, so I just come here to think about stuff."

I frowned. I remember what it feels like to be in Asriel's situation. I remember having no friends on the surface.

"I know how you feel." I said to him, making Asriel look at me, confused. "I remember having no friends on the surface, but that's about it. I remember being lonely . . . how you've always felt."

"Well," Asriel began, "Mom and Dad have always been there for me, especially when I feel lonely. They don't like seeing me sad, cause it makes them sad, I guess."

I smiled sadly. "Your the lucky one," I mumbled, and Asriel didn't hear me.

"Hey," Asriel saod, making me look at him, instead of down at the flowers. "Why don't we be friends? It seems your going to be staying with us for a while, I guess. So," Asriel held his hand out to me, like I was gonna shake it, "what'dya say Chara? Wanna be friends?"

I smiled and grabbed his hand, shaking it. "I'd be glad to be your friend Asriel. It's the least I could do."

Asriel smiled back and we let go. I looked back at the flowers and my smile grew bigger. I plucked about ten of them and started weaving them together. Asriel looked at me with curiosity.

"What are you doing Chara?" He asked, pointing to the flowers in my hand.

I looked at him and smiled again. "I'm making what's called a 'flower crown'. It's like a little crown, but made of flowers! They're really pretty if you can make them just right . . . . Ah ha!" I held my finished crown in my hands, then placed it on Asriel's head. He was a little hesitant, but I got it on his head.

I smiled. "It looks good on you, Azzy!"

Asriel looked at me, smiling but still a little confused. "'Azzy'?" He asked.

I smiled back. "What? Don't like it? I just wanted to come up with a nickname for you."

Asriel put his hands out, palms facing me, and waved the like he was doing jazz hands. "No no no! It's fine, it's just . . . nobody called me by a nickname before."

"Well, I guess now's a good time to start." Asriel smiled and I smiled back, closing my eye and tilting my head to the left slightly.

We sat there for a while longer. I successfully taught Asriel how to make a flower crown, and he wanted to give me the first one he made, but it was to big, so I told him to hold onto it. Then I got an idea.

"You could give it to your dad, the king!" I said with a smile.

Asriel looked at it then back at me, smiling as big as I was. "Yeah! It should fit him anyways, since his head is way bigger than your's."

"Of course it is!" I said playfully. "He's older, and had more time to grow!"

Asriel chuckled then placed the flower crown on the other flowers that were still rooted to the ground. "How old are you Chara?" He asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

"About 10." I counted on my fingers, then looked back at him confidently. "Yeah, 10 years old. What about you?"

"12." He responded.

"You sure don't look 12!" I said, a little shocked. "You look a little younger, to be honest."

Asriel chuckled again. "Eh, I could care less."

I sighed. "Why don't we make a final crown for Toriel, then head back? I'm a little hungry anyways."

Asriel nodded and started picking flowers. "My mom makes great snail pie. You might like it."

"Snail pie?" I repeated, a little grossed out. I didn't eat much pie, I think, and snail pie didn't sound very good.

"Yeah. Trust me, it tastes a lot better than it sounds!"

I smiled again. "Ok, I'll take your word for it."

We sat there for a little longer until Asriel insisted that his crown was finally perfect. We got up with all three crowns we made - Asriel holding the two for his parents and the first one was still on his head - and began our journey back. We bonded a little more, and we had a little in common, but not a lot. It was still cool though.

Finally returning back to their house, I was exaushted and ready for some food. I could hear some pans softly clashing from my left when Asriel and I got back inside. He shut the door and walked into the room on my left. It looked like a living room with a dining table, fireplace, bookshelf and a recliner-like chair. We walked to yet another room in that same area that led to a kitchen. A goat creature, which I took for Toriel, was standing near a counter. She turned around and hugged Asriel.

"So you've returned." Toriel said with a smile.

"Yeah! And I made you this!" Asriel held up the smaller flower crown that wasn't on his head and gave it to Toriel. He told her to put it on her head like his and she did, smiling after wards.

"I didn't know you knew how to make these, Asriel." Toriel said, a little suprised at all the crowns he made.

"Well," Asriel replied, giving me a side hug, "Chara taught me how. She even made the one I'm wearing!" He then pointed to the one still resting on his head. I blushed.

"Thank you Chara. By the way," She held up some food in a circular pan, making Asriel release me from the hug. "I finished some snail pie."

"Yay!" Asriel said excitedly, running to the living room to sit down at the dinning room table.

Toriel and I chuckled softly, and she looked down at me. "Have you ever had snail pie before, my child?" She asked and I shook my head. Toriel smiled. "Well, I hope you like it."

Greetings {Asriel × Chara} #Wattys2016 #HiddenGemsWhere stories live. Discover now