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If the song ends, I recommend you play it again, for the perfect amount of feels for this last chapter - yes, this is the end. But since Asriel freaking DIED in the last chapter, along with Chara before him, you should've seen this coming. So, enjoy the finale with a trip on the feels train. Whoot whoot!


~ timeskip 5 years ahead ~

~ Chara's POV ~

I sat on the yellow flowers under the opening at Mt Ebott. I've been lonely in this secret void place where no one can see me, and I don't like it. A while back, O.M. forced me to fuse with them, so now I'm more evil than my normal self, and I've gotten used to that.

We've been waiting for another human. This human could quite possibly cause a genocide, then we can take their soul and cross the barrier, destroying humanity for good.

I've gotten used to the plans of O.M., cause I'm stuck with them forever, so yay me!

I got up and walked to the next room where Flowey - yeah, that's what Asriel calls himself now, after he turned into a souless flower - usually is, and I was right. He was sitting in the same spot as always.

"Howdy!" He said with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. I knew he couldn't feel happiness. "I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower-"

"Asriel," I said, looking down to my left. "Just give it a rest. No human is ever gonna come down here."

He opened his eyes and looked at me, probably doing a double take. After fusing with O.M., my regular appearance didn't change. I still have their short brown hair, crimson eyes, pink cheeks, evil - yet also innocent looking - smile, and the same clothes as always.

"C-chara?" He asked, shocked. I would too, if I hadn't seen my girlfriend since who knows how many years ago when we were both alive. "Is that you?"

I looked back at him, shocked as well. "You can see me?" I asked.

He nodded. "Plan as day."

I sat down in front of him, criss cross on my butt. I never actually talked to Asriel, ever since the day I died. I've been avoiding him, but also checking on him to make sure he's still alive. I still really love him, even if he is a souless flower.

"So," I began, scratching the back of my neck at the awkwardness. "How's the greeting job been?"

Asriel sighed. "Terrible. You should know. We both haven't see another human in years."

I chuckled. "You aren't human."

He nodded. "I know, but you are-"

"'Was'," I corrected him. "I was a humam, now I'm like a demon or whatever."

Asriel nodded and we sat in silence for longer. I then got up, and started walking back to where I was before.

"W-where are you going?" Asriel asked, sad.

I looked over my shoulder at him, still walking. "Back to where I original was."

I then stopped walking, right before I could go around the corner to the flower bed. I tightened my left hand in a fost, and it started shaking. "You know," I said looking down at the ground. "I still really love you." I then looked up at the ceiling and sighed, letting my fist relax. "I'm going to free you, ok? I swear on my life, I will free you." I then walked back to my little flower patch and sat in silence for longer, thinking of ways to help Asriel be freed.

Greetings {Asriel × Chara} #Wattys2016 #HiddenGemsWhere stories live. Discover now