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It's either here, or the next chapter that will have possible feels. Good luck!!!

~ Asriel's POV ~

I woke up the next morning, a little excited to see if Chara was any better, but I grew even more sad when I saw her. She was asleep, but looked like she was having trouble sleep. She was still shaking and she looked paler than before. I was hoping it would be an over night cold or something, just not this.

I got up and once I touched the floor, Chara opened her eyes. I rushed over to look at her again, and her eyes looked dull, like they were loosing life.

"Hey," I said with a sad smile. "How are you?"

"Horrible." Chara said with a monotone voice, it dryer and more ruff than normal. "I feel like death."

I stopped smiling at her response. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Not really. I'm not sure what will help."

I nodded and started to leave the room, but Mom and Dad came in, looking at Chara. I moved so they could come in.

Mom knelt next to Chara. "Do you feel any better, my child?" She asked.

Chara shook her head slowly. "No." She replied.

Mom sighed and got up. "Well, I'll prepare breakfast. Would you like any Chara?" Chara just shook her head again. Mom nodded, understanding and her and Dad left the room.

I pulled at chair next to Chara's bed. I shouldn't leave when my girlfriend feels like, "death". I should at least try and make her feel better.

Chara just looked at the ceiling like last night, that same lifeless expression on her face. It made me even more sad than I already was.

Chara then started to cough, a lot. (Sorry, don't know what happens when you get food poisoning, so here's my fanfic way of what happens!!!). She even spit some blood up every once in a while.

"MOM!" I yelled, "DAD!"

They came bursting into the room and got one look at Chara and got very worried. Mom looked at me.

"Were getting Alphys immediately." Mom said quickly. "Stay next to Chara and make sure she's ok, alright?" I nodded and they left.

Chara stopped coughing and looked at me with tears in her eyes. I could feel tears in my own eyes.

"Are you-" I was gonna ask again, but she stopped me.

"Asriel," she whispered, her voice even worse. "Don't, please. There's nothing nobody can do for me anymore. I'm going to-" I cut her off now, getting on my knees next to her. I grabbed her hand that was sticking out from under the cover, and it was cold and still shaking.

"Don't say it!" I begged her. "Please, don't say that! Mom and Dad will be back soon, and Alphys will make you better. She did before, and she can again."

Chara shook her head, now looking at me. "She won't make it. I know it."

Tears started flowing out of my eyes. It was really saddening how Chara was doubting her chance of living again, and all I could do was cry.

"You won't die, I promise." I told her. "Think of this as your . . . third chance at life again."

Chara smiled sadly. "I won't get that, Asriel."

Chara then took at deep breath. "Please promise me something." She said.

I nodded my head frantically. "Anything, anything Chara!"

"When I die," she began, "take my body to the surface. Place it in the middle of my village - there are some flowers there you can bring me to. That way, they can all see that I had a good second chance at life."

I started crying more. How could I promise her that? I didn't want her to die, and how was I gonna get her body to the surface?

"Absorb my soul, Asriel," Chara added with a sad smile. "That's how you'll cross the barrier."

I shook my head. "I c-can't do that." I told her, my voice cracking. "I'm sorry."

Chara now looked like she was begging me. "Please Asriel, I'm begging you. This is what I want, for my last wish. Please?" A single tear rolled down her face, and I gave in.

"O-ok," I said, "I will."

Chara smiled and slowly nodded. "Thanks."

Chara then closed her eyes, then flinched, like she got punched in the chest. I held her hand tighter, but not to hard for it to hurt. She opened her eyes and they were brown again. The same brown eyes I fell in love with before all this crap happened.

"Is that you Azzy?" She asked, like she forgot who I was.

I nodded. "Y-yeah."

Chara gave me another sad smile and tears began to roll down her face as she sort of laughed, like she was super happy to see me. "I'm sorry," she told me after she called down. "For all this."

I shook my head. "I don't care. At least I had you."

Her smile got wider. "Thanks . . . Azzy," Her voice was fading. Not now, please not now! "For . . . my second chance. I love you . . . so much, you have . . . no idea." Her voice then stopped, and her eyes became dull, totally devoid of the life and energy that she ever had. They were looking straight threw me, and her smile was stuck in between a straight face and a fading smile.

"C-c-chara?" I asked, even though it was useless now. I began to tremble with sadness as so many tears rolled down my face. "C-chara! No! Please! Don't go!"

My door burst open as Mom, Dad and Alphys stood in the doorway. They all got one look at the scene, one look was all it took. Mom gasped and turned to lean into Dad as he held her in a hug. Mom and Dad both started crying and Alphys was had sadness all over her face.

I looked back at Chara's empty eyes as I noticed I still held her hand. I grit my teeth and moved my head to rest on her hand, as even more tears fell in my room.

Greetings {Asriel × Chara} #Wattys2016 #HiddenGemsWhere stories live. Discover now