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Ok guys, really quick, could you read this authors note? Thanks.

Alright, so I know, I know - Chara and Asriel are young, especially in my story. So, why did they already have their first kiss? I'm not sure, but remember:

THIS IS ONLY A FANFICTION! I mean, there could be people out there (no offense to these people at all) that could make them 5 and have a lemon scene. Ok, so mine isn't that bad. (I even mix their ages up and think their 16 sometimes, I mean, what the heck is up with my brain?!?!)

(Once again, not offending any one in any way, and I'm sorry if I did. Thanks for understanding)

Now, please continue. ONTO SNOWDIN!!!


~ Chara's POV ~

Asriel woke me up a little earlier than usual. He must be really excited to show me his new friends, I guess. I got my sweater and pants on and we both left. It didn't take long to get to Snowdin, thanks to the River Person and we walked over to a big wooden house, covered both by snow and Christmas lights.

Asriel knocked on the door to see a tall skeleton. He had a crack running up his right eye and a crack running down his left. He wore a black shirt and dark pants with a white lab coat over that.

"Oh," He said in a sort of deep yet calm voice to Asriel. "Asriel, what brings you here?"

"I wanted to introduce Chara here," He jestured to me, "to Sans and Papyrus. Is that ok with you, Professor Gaster?"

Gaster chuckled. "That's alright, but I told you to just call me Gaster."

Asriel shrugged and giggled. "Eh, as long as I get the Gaster part right."

Gaster laughed and so did Asriel while I just stood there with a blank face. Gaster then moved out of the way and told Asriel that two people named Sans and Papyrus were in their own rooms upstairs. Asriel said ok and Gaster left the house while Asriel took me upstairs.

"Who are these Sans and Papyrus people?" I asked Asriel while we were still going up the stairs.

"My friends I wanted you to meet," Asriel replied, still looking up the stairs.

I nodded and we arrived at the top of the stairs. There were two doors; one in front of us that was covered in Do Not Cross police-like tape and notes that said things like "Papyrus rules!" and "Royal Guard members only!" on the door as well; then another door down the hall that had nothing on it and there were some lights coming from under the door crack that were a mix of orange, yellow and blue and were in the shape of flames. Asriel walked up to the covered door and knocked on it two times.

"WHO'S THERE?!" a loud voiced called through the door, telling me it was a boy, a little kid, in fact.

"It's Asriel, Papyrus." Asriel said back to the door.

This Papyrus gasped and opened the door. Opening the door revealed a skeleton, about the high of another Asriel stacked on top of Asriel. He wore a sort of set of armor, with a white chest plate, a red scarf, what can only look like a blue Speedo, red boots and red gloves.

"HELLO ASRIEL!" Papyrus greeted. He then saw me. "WHO IS THIS?" He then seemed to do a double take. "IS THAT A HUMAN?!"

The other door at the other end of the hallway seemed to open and I looked at it. "what's going on paps?" Another skeleton asked. This one was just my hight - able to look me straight in the eyes - with a white shirt on with a blue jacket over that, black shorts with a white stripe down each leg and pink slippers. Man, this guy looked like he couldn't give a crap as to what he wore. "you seem pretty, rattled."

This other skeleton made jazz hands out of his hands while Asriel laughed. I groaned, also hearing another groan behind me from Papyrus.

"SANS, OH MY GOD!" Papyrus said with an annoyed look.

I look back at Sans who had walked closer to me. "so, your human, right? that's hilarious!"

I gave Sans a confused look. "Why is my race hilarious? I was just made human."

Sans seemed to flash a quick look that said, 'can't you take a joke?' then returned to a giant annoying grin. "oh well," Sans said with a shrug. "i guess humans aren't ready for my puns."

I groaned and rolled my eyes as his grin grew. "Believe me, I absolutely hate puns."

Sans sighed. "what kind of person hates puns? i mean, they're like my oxygen - that i may or may not need."

I gave him a look to say, 'you wanna go?' and crossed my arms. "I guess you just ran into the wrong human."

I must've been giving him a pretty intimidating glare, cause his white pinpricks for pupils faded away, leaving just a black hole where his eyes should be. "are you asking for a bad time, kiddo?" He asked, trying to be intimidating as well as I was.

I scoffed. "You don't scare me, ya sack of lazy bones." Sans seemed to growl under his breath and I just smirked.

Asriel then stepped between us, gently pushing us apart. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," He said to both of us. "I don't need my friends going into a fight when they first meet."

I shrugged. "I wouldn't mind fighting him. He just seems like a . . ." I tried to think of a good insulting name for him, then one hit me, so I smirked in victory. "Smiley trashbag."

Sans just smiled and shrugged when Asriel looked at him, and when Asriel looked at me with a shocked face, Sans's eye pinpricks were gone again and his grin stayed, making him look pretty spooky.

"Chara," Asriel whispered to me, making me look at him, "what's up with you?"

I shrugged. "What do you mean?" I whispered back.

"Like, this isn't you - well, the you I know and love."

I chuckled at his little hint of an attempt to flirt. "I'm . . ." I tried to think, "n . . . not sure, really."

Asriel looked confused. "Wait, how do you not know?"

I began to think again, and only one thing popped into my head:

"Anywho, I will get your soul, so watch your back . . . and your loved one."

"Other Chara," I said aloud, maybe to loud, cause everyone looked at me confused.

"What was that?" Asriel asked me.

I shook my head. "Never mind." I gently moved Asriel over so I was in front of Sans. "I'm sorry," I said, out stretching my hand to him. "I really am a nice person - I'm just not sure what came over me. Maybe lack of sleep from last night, but whatever. Could we try again on the greetings?" I slowly shrugged while Sans thought. He then nodded and grabbed my hand, shaking it.

"sure. i'm sans, sans the skeleton." He told me.

"Chara the human." I said to Sans, just realizing I never told Sans or Papyrus my name.

I then heard a gasp that sounded child like and turned around to see Papyrus gawking at something downstairs. He then pointed and shouted, "LET'S GO PLAY IN THE SNOW!" Asriel nodded and smiled, running after Papyrus who ran full speed down the stairs and out the door.

I giggled and went to go after them, but something held me back. I turned back around to see Sans, still holding my hand.

"listen bucko," He said to me, a little intimidating, like he was trying to make a point, "i'm not sure who you really are, and i'm ok either way if your a good girl or a bad one. just as long as you do one thing." Sans leaned in a little closer, like to whisper something to me. His white dots went away again, but in his left eye, a blue glow appeared, making some fire-like blue dust fan away from his eye.

"Leave. Papyrus. Alone. Got it?" He told me, keeping his smile, but talking through his clenched teeth. He then let go of my hand, eyes back to normal, like nothing happened.

"welp," He said, "i'll be outside with the others. hope ya join soon."

I just stood there with a gapped mouth. What was that all about?

Greetings {Asriel × Chara} #Wattys2016 #HiddenGemsWhere stories live. Discover now