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~ Asriel's POV ~

I woke up the next morning and looked over at the bed on the other side of my room, where Chara was sleeping. She was still asleep, so I quietly got up and left the room.

Mom was in the kitchen when I entered, so I gave her a tired behind hug. That shocked her a little, making her jump, but she turned around and kissed my forehead.

"Hello Asriel." Mom greeted me. I nodded and smiled back, rubbing my eyes tirdly.

"Hey Mom, what's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Well, I needed to head out, so you and Chara can have some cereal of you like, or some leftover butterscotch-cinnamon pie." Mom went to the front door and walked out, shutting it behind her.

I looked down the hallway near my room and saw Chara coming out of it. She looked . . . scared, for some reason. She was shaking, her left eye was wide in fear and she was taking deep breaths. I walked over to her, and she saw me coming, so it looked like she tried to stop shaking, but it didn't work.

"Hey Chara," I greeted her. "Are you alright?"

"W-What are you t-talking about?" She stuttered in reply, trying to smile.

"You don't look good. Did you have a nightmare or something?"

"W-What? Nightmares? I-I don't get 'em. I'm just c-cold."

"Well, here, let me in my room really quick." Chara nodded and stepped aside to let me in. Once inside, I walked over to my wardrobe and grabbed a sweater similar to mine, a green one, but it only had one yellow stripe in the center, instead of two. I turned to look at Chara.

"Here," I said, handing it to her. "Mom made a lot of sweaters for me, and she acidentally made one with one stripe, instead of the usual two." I chuckled. "I knew I kept this for a good reason."

Chara smiled and took the sweater, slipping it on over her head. I smiled.

"Fits perfectly." Chara said, lowering her arms, just to see the sleeves run down over her hands. She chuckled. "Ok, it's slightly big, but I can deal with that."

I chuckled as well. "Hey, wanna go eat something? Mom said there was some butterscotch-cinnamon pie in the fridge we could heat up, or something else."

Chara nodded. "Ok, as long as it's snail free."

I chuckled. "I'll double check."


~ Chara's POV ~

Asriel walked out of our room and I followed. Good, I thought. Played that off pretty well. Asriel was right; I did have a nightmare, but I don't wanna have to tell him about it, or tell anyone. It's to painful for myself to relive.

We got to the kitchen and Asriel grabbed two slices of some pie, which I figured was the butterscotch-cinnamon pie he was talking about earlier.

Once he heated them up, he gave me a slice and we walked to the living room to sit and eat. The pie wasn't that bad, it was great! Asriel looked at me and placed his hands on the table, ready to bolt to my side if I started choking up again. I have Asriel a smile at his caring nature. "I'm fine, don't worry," I said to him, and he relaxed. "I've had both cinnamon and butterscotch on the surface, so I know for sure I'm not allergic to it."

After we both finished, Asriel asked if I wanted to head back to the flower patch, which I did, so we both walked there. On the way we bonded even more, me talking about the things on the surface and him talking about the activities someone could do down here. We finally arrived and I plopped down on the flowers.

Asriel chuckled. "Seems someone's tired."

I laughed. "I'm exaushted! Even though I woke up about an hour ago, I could use some more sleep!"

Asriel laughed as well. "Couldn't we all?"

We both laughed and he told me some stories of things that have happened down here.

"And we all left the room laughing!" I burst out laughing when Asriel finished his sentence.

Asriel calmed down from his laughing fit and looked over at me. "So, do you have any stories from the surface?"

I slowly stopped laughing and tensed while sitting upright. I really didn't wanna talk about that place, about . . . them. So, I did the next best thing and lied.

"I . . . don't really remember any stories from up there," I said, which is about half honest. I don't remember a lot from up there, but man, do I have some stories to tell, but those would lead to horrible nightmares . . . like the ones I have already.

"Really?" Asriel said. Oh gosh, he's already doubting me. Could he tell I was lying? Well, I couldn't tell, cause he wasn't finished.

"It's just that, your able to remember if you have allergies and . . . ah well, forget I asked that!" He added, waving a hand as I'd to tell me to shoo. "Your memories may not have all come back anyways, so that makes sense."

I looked at him confused. "What?" I said.

Asriel laughed. "Whatever! Whatever!" He repeated in a playful tone.

I sighed and leaned back. "Man, I just wanna absorb the silence right now. Why not just enjoy it?" I suggested.

Asriel shrugged. "Yeah, why not? It's been a while since I've actually just relaxed." He leaned back as well and we were laying side-by-side to each other, him on my left.

I sighed again and looked at Asriel. "Ya know what?"

He looked at me, a smile on his face. "What?" He asked.

"You've really grown on me." I said, a light blush passing over my cheeks. "Your just like an older brother to me."

"R-Really?" Asriel seemed a little shocked at the change of atmosphere around us.

I smiled back. "Well," I added, "a taller, fluffier brother, that is."

Asriel chuckled and looked back up. "I'll take what I can get."

I felt my face cool down and I looked up with him. The hole above us had light shining down on us, making me feel warm and tired, and the soft petals and amazing scent of the flowers under me didn't help. I soon started to doze off, and soon I could hear: "Oh Chara, you could've told me you were sleepy." I never woke up, but I felt a certain goat prince pick me up, and I knew he was bringing me home. To my new home.

Far, FAR away from them.

I NEVER want to see them again, especially in my dreams, well, they're more like nightmares . . .


Next chapter gonna have some really good stuff . . . in . . . it . . .


Anyways, GET BACK TO READING!!!!!!

Greetings {Asriel × Chara} #Wattys2016 #HiddenGemsWhere stories live. Discover now