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I and Jen have been hanging out a lot lately. I don't think Mason likes us hanging out but he hasn't said anything about it so neither will I. The two of us have been kind of distant. Well, I have been the one distant. I'm still a little shaky about what went on between us. He hasn't said anything about that either. So of course, neither have I. I would rather just forget all about it.

Gabriel has been spending a lot of time in his room, which I'm thankful for. I don't want to deal with him. It's better if the two of us don't communicate. That always ends badly.

I and Jen are hanging out at the mall. She abandoned her friends so that the two of us can hang out and get to know each other more. We've been hanging out a lot lately. I like that. Mason has given me a friend.

"So how did you and my brother meet? I never asked you that question."

"When I was working he came to my job. Gave me his number."

Jen nods. "My brother is one to get what he wants and he doesn't believe in waiting. Have you two had sex yet?"

Her question makes me uncomfortable. I don't want to talk about that. Especially not with his sister. Jen senses my discomfort. "You don't have to talk about that with me. I shouldn't have asked."

We continue walking. Jen leads me into a fancy store filled with fancy dresses and accessories. I ask her what we're doing here and turn around smiling. She says, "okay maybe I should have told you the real reason I invited you shopping. So a friend of mine is having a party-"

"No thank you. Parties are not my thing." I'm not mad at her for tricking me into shopping for a party outfit. I have never been to a party before and not many people like me so I would just get beat up. I'm sure Jen wouldn't let that happen but I still don't think I would like it.

Jen keeps begging me to go. She says I need to try new things and that I have nothing to worry about. "I don't think Mason would like me going to a party without him. Especially if you're trying to fit me in some of these exposing dresses."

Jen rolls her eyes. "Who cares what Mason thinks. He doesn't own you. Please." She gives me a cute puppy dog face. She wants me to come off she's pulling that one.

"Okay. I'll go." She jumps up and down like a little kid. We check out a couple of dresses, trying each one on. I decide on a simple white dress with sparkly silver rhinestones decorating the top. The dress has spaghetti straps and has a low cut. My butt and legs look great thanks to the workout sessions Mason has been giving me.

Jen picks a brown dress that's loose but still shows off her thick body. She picks a pair of strapped white heels and I choose a pair of red heels. We pay for our stuff and leave. Jen tells me of a friend that does good hair. We stop at the store and Jen buys us some curly weave. Of course, I've never worn weave before but I've seen girls with it and Jen's weave looks nice so I already trust her friend with my hair.

Her friend doesn't have a license or a shop so we go to his house. I was surprised to learn her friend is a guy and does good hair. He's not even gay.

I get my hair done first. I can't help but squirm when he starts braiding my hair. It just hurts too bad. Jen's friend, Brandon, says he's dealt with worse. When he finishes my hair Jen pays him with money she borrowed from Mason. They compliment me on how good I look with the hair Jen chose for me. I rush off to the bathroom and gasp when I see my reflection. Now that I see how it looks when it's completely done I realize it's not curly. It's more so in tiny waves. We bought a couple of packs each so it looks thick and natural with my leave-out waved to match the hair. My edges are perfectly layed and perfectly natural unlike some of the girls Brandon told me about. Not that there's anything wrong with drawing your edges. Especially if they're done right. Brandon's words, not mine. Though I can say I don't disagree.

I play in my hair like he said I should. It looks perfect. I play in it some more before finally leaving the bathroom.

"I love it so much. Thank you."

"No problem. Now I just need to do your makeup when I'm done with this fat head." He says, directing his playful insult to Jen. She rolls her eyes. The two of them seem really close.


"Yes, girl. You are going to be looking even cuter. These guys are going to eat you up. Hell, I might even have to keep you for myself."

My phone rings. I know it's Mason before I even look at the screen. I go outside on the patio to take the call.

"Why haven't you been answering your phone? I've been calling you all day." He sounds very angry. He's right I should have called. I don't want him to worry about me.

"I'm sorry. I should have called. I'm with your sister. We decided to have a girls' day." I can't tell him about the party. There's no way he would be comfortable with me going. He worries some guy will try to take me away from him. I tried to assure him I'm not all that but he seems to think differently. Even with my hair done and some makeup, I'm sure no guy will be looking my way.

"Why are you hanging out with my sister?"

"Because we're friends. Well, she likes to think of us as sisters."

"Well, I can't wait to see you. Stop by when you're done. I miss you, babe." His voice is soft. I almost want to cancel the plans I made with Jen to hang out with him.

"See you soon." I hang up. I can't believe I did that. Mason deserves to know what I'm up to and where I'm at.

Jen has her hairstyle slightly differently. Her hair is in big spiral curls. She has a little bit of blonde at the top. She looks good. We get our makeup done before leaving. I feel good. I even look good.

We head to her house to get ready.

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