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   "I'm good, man. Its been a minute."

   "Yeah. Too long right. This is my girlfriend, Monica." Sounds pretty.

   "Hi Mason." Her voice sounds very angelic. I sneak a look at her from out the corner of my eye. She's georgous; long curly hair, lightly colored skin and big blue eyes and an hour glass figure. Her 2-piece dress set looks amazing on her. Nice heels too.

   I keep my head burried in my menu, avoiding eye contact. Maybe he won't even remember me. Everything happened so fast. He probably forgot all about me. Oh God help me. This is not happening. I should have known this would come back to bite me in the butt. What was I thinking? This whole situation is preposterous. What are the chances of us seeing each other again? Apparently more likely than I thought.

   No idea what I was thinking.

   Mason gets up and does that little bro hug with him. He then turns to me, "this is my girl Olivia. Olivia this is my boy, Dylan. Monica. Don't be rude. Get up." I'm forced to get up and greet him. I can't hide behind my menu anymore. I can tell Dylan is trying to keep his composure. He does recognize me. I'm just praying he doesn't say anything to Mason because if he does that's both our asses.

   "Hi. Nice to meet you." I greet them both, hoping he will get the idea and pretend like we've never met before today. I force a smile. I would have been more satisfied if we had went to any fast food restaurant instead. Mason just loves spending money.

   He tilts his head slightly. "Nice to meet you." He says in the most smooth voice. His accent is just chilling. He holds his hand out. I offer up mine, expecting him to shake it but his plants his soft pink lips on it instead. I quickly snatch my hand away. I turn and greet Monica as well. She seems nice so far. I scoot over and Mason joins me on my side of the booth, making room for Dylan and his georgous date.

   The waitress comes back with our order. She sits our plates down in front of us. "You guys ordered without us?" Monica ask, pretending to be hurt.

   "That's just like Mason to do that. Forever and always an impatient man." Dylan chimes in. He spares a glance my way and I immediately focus my attention somewhere else. Dylan and Monica give the waitress their orders and she leaves to prepare them. Mason turns to Dylan and before long the two are talking about business. Nothing I'm interested in.

   "Creamy chicken and rice, macaroni and cheese, shrimp...that's a weird combination you got there," Monica jokes. She flash a dazzling smile. Showing off her perfect pearly whites.

   I giggle, "so I've been told."

   "So how did you and Mason meet?"

   "It's kind of a long story. What about you two?"

   "We met at a party. At first he wasn't getting any play but he kept trying and I eventually gave in. We haven't been dating for too long."

   "A couple months? Days? Weeks?" I ask. If they've been dating for a couple months then that would mean we both cheated that night. Most of what happened is still kind of woozy but I certainly don't remember him telling me about a girlfriend. Not that that would have made much of a difference. I mean I'm not that kind of girl but I had so much liquor in me I don't think I would have cared.

   "Like two months." Oh gosh.


   "So uh Mason tells me you like to paint," Dylan cuts in. A grim spreads across his face and the only thing I can think about doing is smacking it off his face. The way he's looking at me. I shiver. This dinner could not be over fast enough.

   I clear my throat, realising I was staring. Mason looks at me expectantly. I clear my throat again. "Well I haven't been doing much of what I like lately," I comgess, earning a death glare from Mason. "I've just been so busy with family stuff," I quickly add.

   "Really? What kind of stuff do you paint?"

   "My feelings. I never know what I'm drawing until I'm finish. Most of the time. I can draw just about anything."

   "Mhm. I've been looking for someone to paint a couple portraits in my new house. Maybe you can show me some of your work and if I like them Mason can bring you but and you can get started. I'll even pay you."

   My eyes grow wide like saucers. "Really? You serious?"

   "Oh honey he doesn't say anything he doesn't mean. If I were you I'd take what I can get and run with it," Monica smiles, taking a sip of her wine.

   "Uhh..." I look to Mason for confirmation. He nods. "I'd love to. Yeah." Okay, I know what you're thinking but this is just business. Plus it gives me a reason to start painting again. And I'll have a little money of my own to keep in my pockets. Besides, I'm sure hell would have to freeze over before Mason let's me anywhere near a guy without being present, let alone in his house. He doesn't trust me that much....I take that back. Mason doesn't trust me at all.

   "Great, I'll just call or email Mason about the details." He smiles.

  Monica claps. She goes on about how it'll be fun to see my process and have me over. Apparently she doesn't have too many friends over due to Dylan's business and him being so over protective. I think it will be fun hanging out with her. I already like her, which makes what I did even harder to bare.

   We fall silent again as everyone continues to dig in to their expensive dinner. Mine taste just as good as expected.

   After dinner we exchange goodbyes. Mason doesn't say anything the whole ride back but occasionally I catch him staring at me with lust filled eyes. Making me uncomfortable. I don't want him to look at me like that. Not now. The elevator door close on us, trapping us in alone. Mason stands so close to me. His chalone invading my nose. My breathing begins to waver. He's making me so uncomfortable.

   "You know you look real good in that dress," he mumbles in my ear.

   I slither away from him. "Yeah well control yourself big boy. I'm on my period."


   "Yeah, oh."

   When we get inside the penthouse I shower and change into my pajamas and head back to the guest room. Mason moved me in here as punishment but to be honest it's the best choice he's made since we met.

   I turn the lights out and climb into bed, contemplating watching t.v. or not. Nah. I got school tomorrow. I need to be getting some rest. Too bad I haven't been getting much of that lately. I wish I had my phone so I can text Anthony. I haven't heard from him in a while which is all my fault. God knows it's been so long since I've seen Joe. I wonder how his wife and baby are doing. I wonder if he misses me or if he just forgot about me all together. There has been so much of my life taken away. Like my freedom. At least when I was poor I had that. 

   This is after all all my fault. I got myself into this mess. It's inequitable but so is life.

   I force those thoughts out of my head. If I ponder any longer my head is going to explode. We wouldn't want that now would we?

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