Chapter 2 ~ Lily

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I was barely able to start surfing the web on the laptop when, from across the hallway, Ajax started yelling. "Scar!" she yelled. "What the fuck did you do!"

I grumbled some colorful words as I shut the laptop that I was absentmindedly surfing through and left the comfortable position from my bed. I then trudged through the hall to Ajax's room to attempt to resolve the argument that I knew was about to start.

"What is it now?" I leaned on Ajax's doorway, staring at my roommate. Ajax snarled, turning her head to me.

"Don't you see it?" She grumbled. Ajax pointed towards the walls in her room, I moved in looking towards what she was pointing at. All of Ajax's posters with Kendall on them had mustaches, goatees, devil horns and huge hearts around all of his faces which really didn't clash well with the horns. But there was one poster that was not like the rest.

It had a big black and red X right over Kendall's face and it said: He will bleed for your actions, Ajax.

I frowned swiftly making my way across Ajax's room to the poster. I ran my fingers against the red and black paint, rubbing my fingers against it. Realizing the familiarity within the letters, I backed away from the poster turning towards the window that was open, letting the cold September night air rush through.

"Hold on," I said and walked towards her door, "Be ready in case we have to leave." I left Ajax's room and headed next door to Scarlett's room.

Scarlett jumped out of her bed and tossed the book she was reading in surprise when I barged into her room. "Lily!" she exclaimed. "I-" I held my hand up, but otherwise ignored her. Scarlett fell silent with curiosity.

I looked at all of her posters until I saw the similar X on her favorite poster of Harry Styles. This one also had a note, The feel of him on my skin will bring me so much pleasure, Scarlett.

I rubbed my fingers together on my left hand, I felt my heart drop. Scarlett appeared beside me and yelped in surprise when she saw her poster.

A horrified expression took over her face. "Who did this?" she asked in disbelief. I shook my head.

"I might have an idea, but I'm not sure." I admitted. "But we need to do something. Who knows when these were written... Or what the people responsible are actually planning."

Scarlett turned to me. "Do any of your posters have anything on them?" she asked. My eyes widened and I ran to my room. Dread settled over me when I saw what was written on my poster of Niall.

I'll enjoy hearing him scream, Lily.

That was not something that I could let go. "You will not touch him," I promised to myself. "Not when I can do something about it." Satisfied with that thought, I quickly opened up my closet grabbing the only suitcase I've ever had and began packing my belongings.

A few minutes later, Scarlett and Ajax appeared at my door shoulder to shoulder. "What are you doing?" Scarlett asked, crossing her arms over her chest. I stopped packing and turned to face them.

"We are no longer safe here." I said. "We have to leave."


"No, Scar." I said shaking my head. "They know where we live."

"They are not after us!" Ajax hissed. "They're after Harry! And Kendall! And Niall!"

That last part was like a slap of realization to the face. "That's how they are going to hurt us." Scarlett's expression melted into one of confusion while Ajax's glance never left me. I turned towards them, "Don't you remember the letters we got a few weeks ago?"

Ajax's glance fell to the ground, "The ones that threatened our lives?" She looked towards Scarlett, "Yeah, I remember them." Scarlett had a confused expression on her face, I knew she didn't remember them. I walked towards the end table in my room, opening the draw and pulling out my letter.

"The creepy ones that had no sender, no address, just our names?" I handed it to Scar, she studied it for a second before walking to her room dropping my letter in the hallway. "Ajax, go pack" She nodded and headed off to her room.

Too long for my liking 30 minutes later, I was done packing. I did a once over and peered into Ajax's room to see both Ajax and Scarlett sitting on the white mattress in deep conversation. I walked in and sat down next to Scarlett and across from Ajax.

I inhaled deeply and started speaking. "I'm really sorry for acting like I did, but listen. I think I might know how they might try to get to us. Or... whatever they want."

"What do you mean?" Ajax asked furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "Who would try to hurt us, we haven't done anything."

"Not that we know of anyway. Who knows what they're thinking. But whatever they want, they're going to torture Harry, Niall and Kendall to get it." I said. "Or attempt to if we don't show ourselves, or get to the boys first." I looked over at Ajax who was looking towards the window in deep thought.

"Why?" Scarlett questioned. "If they want to hurt us then why don't they just torture us? Don't take it out on famous people."

Ajax stood up "Because we moved around so much... Whoever it is they can't find us, and when they do, we leave again. So to change that, they are going to force us out of hiding." Scarlett and I exchanged glances

"We need to warn them," Scarlett said standing up. "Lily, you and I will warn Niall and Harry." She turned to Ajax waiting for confirmation

"Go, I'll warn Kendall." she agreed. "We probably don't have much time"

"Alright," Scarlett said. "Come on, Lily. We should probably hurry. They're only in Minnesota for another day, so we can't waste time." I turned to Scarlett. I was shocked but mostly surprised by her borderline obsessive knowledge.

"How do you know where they are?" I asked an octave higher than normal. Scarlett smiled evilly at me.

"I know everything about Harry," she giggled quietly. I gulped while Ajax just laughed. I was thankful that we could still smile under trying circumstances.

"Good luck, Lily," she said in between bits of laughter. "You're gonna need it. Adiós!" Still laughing, Ajax walked out of the room. No doubt that she was heading to the woods to make her mission an easy stealth one.

I looked over at Scarlett and grinned. "We're going to see One Direction!" I yelled, throwing my arms in the air in celebration. Scarlett looked at me. Her earlier carefree expression was replaced by one of worry.. "What's wrong, Scar? Aren't you excited to see Harry?"

Scarlett sighed."I guess, but what if they don't listen?" She asked, nervously playing with a strand of her hair. I frowned at the unusualities of my friend.

"They have to listen," I said, taking her hand away from her hair because she was starting to pull out some of her long dark brown strands. "They have no choice, We'll insist on a meeting with Harry, Niall and their bodyguards. They will be safe." Scarlett pondered this for a minute and sighed again, but this time, in defeat.

"Alright." She looked towards the forest, "Let's go before it's too late." I nodded heading towards the entry door, Scarlett not far behind. 


Hey guys!! I'm really sorry that this chapter was so bad, I will try my best to make the rest of the chapters great!! Please vote, comment and follow our accounts!! {And this one too XD}

We love you all!! Peace out wolves!! XD (Don't kill me Sarah!!)

~All the love. S


Hewwo Hewwo! Jordyn here, not much to comment on this chapter. Progress for the story is slowly but quickly moving on, being that summer is almost upon us the story could go faster. We will keep you updated on what happens with it. Sorry, this chapter is late! I was preoccupied with a meeting.


-Jordyn <3 

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