Chapter 5 ~ Niall

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I walked out of my room after I had finished packing. I expected to see the lads just sitting and talking or watching a film, but Louis and Liam were still in their rooms and Harry and Zayn were reading a letter. The look on their faces told me that something was wrong.

I paused before deciding to walk over to them. "What's that, mate?" I asked Harry as I peered over his shoulder to get a look at the piece of paper.

Unfortunately, Harry folded it back up and tucked it back in the envelope before I could read any of it. "It's nothing, Nialler," he said. "Promise." I almost believed him, but the quiver in his voice caught me off guard. He reached back and started to slip it back into his back pocket, but before he could, I snatched the envelope from his hand and jumped away from him.

"Niall!" Harry exclaimed. "Please just give it back."

The envelope was addressed to Harry and I. I opened the flap.

"Niall," Zayn begged. Harry took a step towards me. I took a step back. "Please, Niall. We'll just let management take care of it." Harry nodded in agreement. "Just give it back okay?"

I ignored their pleas and pulled out the letter and unfolded it.

We loved your concert, boys! It was extremely funny watching you fall Harry. Wonderful comedy. Niall, you are just a little monkey jumping around with your guitar, aren't you? Ah.... but you are staying at the Lora hotel, right? Room 315? Oh! And you're scheduled to leave... tomorrow night at 10:15, right? Did you know that there are so many unpredictable delays that happen at airports? Oh so many. Enough to push your takeoff time until 10:45 at the earliest! I hope you both sleep well tonight! I know that we won't be sleeping at all. We have a very busy night watching over our... new toys.

My body went numb and my ears rang. Zayn and Harry were saying things, but nothing was registering in my mind. The letter slipped from my hands and fluttered to the floor. I almost followed it, but Harry caught me by my shoulders.

Zayn bent down and picked the letter up from where it landed. "There's another side," he mumbled.

"What?" Harry let go of my shoulders and turned to Zayn. He took the letter from him and read it.

As time passed, Harry's face got paler and paler. When he finished reading it, he shoved it back to Zayn and covered his mouth with his hands. "I think I'm going to throw up," he moaned then stumbled over to the toilet.

I mustered up the courage to speak. "Let me read it," I said to Zayn.

He looked at me. "I don't think that's a good-"

"I said let me read it, dammit!"

He sighed and held the letter out to me. I swallowed hard and took the letter from Zayn. Harry was addressed first.


I love watching the sweat drip from your naked body... So shiny and slick. I wonder how it would feel against my skin and taste on my tongue. I can just imagine the deliciously sweet taste of you lighting up my insides. Then again what about you isn't sweet...? I know more about you than anyone else, my love. I've watched you for days. My favorite is when I get to watch you shower at 8 every morning. Oh, how I would love to join you... To feel my cock rub against yours as the warm water hits our skin.... Soon, baby Soon.

My stomach twisted. I felt like throwing up too, but I continued.


I heard you're claustrophobic, Nialler. I also heard that you love your mates, no? Well, do you want to know something that I love? I love making people scream. It's just like music to my ears. And not just any scream, my dear. Oh no. The screams of people whose worst fears have just become a reality. The screams of people who know there is no escape from their worst nightmares. The purity of their terror fills me with such... delight. And hearing yours, Niall... Would fill my head with such beautiful music. I can't wait to hear it.

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