Chapter 14 ~ Lily

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The sunlight shone through my torn curtains, waking me up. I inhaled deeply before letting out a long yawn and stretching the sleep from my limbs. I didn't mind much letting the sun wake me up. It felt nice to wake up with it and see the beautiful colors painted across the sky that never failed to leave a smile on my face. I could bathe in its presence for hours if it would let me. But it never lasted nearly as long as I would've liked. Regardless, it kept me calm. That is until I remembered what, or rather who was in the basement. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I remembered the events from the last twenty-four hours.

"Oh my gosh..." I murmured to nobody but myself as I ran a hand through my hair and pulled at my roots. "Niall Horan is in my basement. He is literally trapped in my basement. Oh lord, I am a terrible person." I let out a small squeak. "He probably has to pee!" Forgetting that I was only in a sports bra and workout shorts, I threw my blanket off and hurried out of my room. As I was rushing down the stairs to the main level, I tripped and crashed down the last couple of steps.

I hit my shin against the bottom step and I knew it was going to leave a wonderfully colored bruise. "Well," I groaned. "What's a morning without a little crash?" I shook off the pain then continued my journey to the basement.

I just about had a heart attack when I saw Scarlett laying at the bottom of the steps, passed out. Fear bubbled up in my chest. "Oh my gosh, Scarlett!" I exclaimed and ran down to her, thankfully not falling this time. When I reached the bottom, I dropped to my knees and grabbed her arm. I could tell that she had been here all night due to the imprint on her cheek from resting her face on the bottom step. "Scarlett, wake up," I said urgently as I shook her a bit. For a second, she didn't respond, which made my mind run to the darkest of places.

"Leave me alone." When those words left her lips, low and raspy like she had been crying, pained relief filled my body. She moved her arm out of my grip and curled into a ball. Then, she pulled her hood over her face, shutting out who knows what.

"Scarlett, I swear to God. You scared the shit out of me," I stated with a sigh. Scarlett pulled her hood off at that.

"Did you just swear?" she asked. A look of tired confusion covered her face.

Noooo. I said shit thinking it was chocolate. Of course, I swore! I thought you were dead!

I shrugged my shoulders. "Yes," I admitted. "It's your fault really. You're the one that scared me. I thought you had died or something!"

Scarlett gave me a blank look. Her sea-green eyes hid what she was thinking from me, so it was hard to guess what she was feeling. But a moment later, she sighed. "I'm sorry, Lil. I didn't mean to scare you. I just... couldn't make it back to my room." There was something in her tone that told me something was off, but I couldn't figure out what it was.

"What happened?" I asked, trying to gather more information. "Are you hurt? Are you eating? Did someone say something to you? Did-"

"Lily, stop," she interrupted. Her eyes wouldn't meet mine. "Please. I'm fine. I was just... really tired I guess." Her hesitance told me she was lying, but the expression on her face stopped me from asking anything more.

"I- okay," I gave in. "Just let me know if you need anything or want to talk, okay?" I hope the sincerity in my voice convinced her to open up a little bit. Ever since I've known her she's kept mostly to herself and that has unnerved me more than once. Including now.

Scarlett studied my face for a moment, probably trying to find any sort of lie, but when she didn't find one, she nodded. "Yeah, okay," she said with a nod before standing up. I followed her lead. "What time is it anyway?"

Kidnapping The Famous // 1D & BTR //Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum