Chapter 16 ~ Niall

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Sexual harassment/assault/themes of rape ahead.

Over the few weeks that we have been in this, surprisingly large, cabin, I've had a lot of time to understand what the hell was going on. But, uh... I still had no idea what the hell was going on. All I could understand is that three girls- no, werewolves had kidnapped us and said that our lives were in danger. What I couldn't wrap my head around, besides everything, was, if we were in as much trouble as they claimed, then why abduct us and put us headfirst into more danger?

None of us had access to the internet, unfortunately, but I could only assume that the media has heard of our disappearance. Especially since we - One Direction I mean - were supposed to be in Sydney, Australia by now performing the fourth show since the one we had finished, here, in Minnesota. I also remember seeing that Big Time Rush was supposed to perform in Austin, Texas and Liverpool, England recently. Obviously, neither of those events happened.

Every couple of hours, one of our three captors checked on us. It was one of the only ways for me to tell the time. But two or three times a week, Lily or Ajax would sub in for Scarlett. I've always wondered why she disappeared on those days, but when I asked, Lily said that she didn't know either. All Scarlett had told her was that she used those days to visit her parents. I got confused when she said that, then Lily clarified that she was visiting their graves.

"What happened to your parents? And Ajax's parents?" I had asked after hearing about Scarlett's parents.

"It's not my place to talk about Ajax's family, but mine passed away in 2011." Her face stayed neutral, but her tone told me that she was still trying to accept it. I didn't ask anything else on that subject.

A few more days passed after that discussion. The only other consistent thing was the routine yelling that came from Harry's room that I guessed was down the hall. He and Scarlett seemed to have a weird relationship. They would yell at each other for close to thirty or forty minutes but always end in them apologizing to one another. After their arguments, they often resorted to whispers until Scarlett left, locking him in his room alone again.

In all the time that we were in this cabin, I hadn't seen Kendall or Harry and I was starting to get lonely. I know that Lily tried her hardest to take that feeling away, but despite her efforts, I missed Harry. I missed being free. I missed performing for my fans whom I love dearly. And I missed my mates. Was I ever going to see them again? I decided that I had to live with the fact that I'll probably die before I see any of the lads again no matter how much I wished otherwise.

The sun had risen about an hour before Ajax had come to check on me.

"Hey," she said as she entered and shut the door behind her. "How are you doing? Need anything?"

I had been laying on the bed on my side staring out the window watching whatever would move. My back was to the door, so she couldn't see my face, which I was grateful for. "My freedom," I mumbled under my breath. I wasn't surprised when she sighed in response to my answer. She was a werewolf, of course, she had sensitive hearing.

"I'm sorry, Niall." I felt the bed dip on the other side. "I really am. But I think I might be able to cheer you up a little."

She had more of my attention. "How?" I questioned. I didn't move from my position in hopes that I would seem uninterested. But to tell the truth, my mental sanity depended on the words that she would say next.

I inhaled deeply before giving me an answer. "I know that we haven't let you see the others, and vice versa, since we changed hideouts. And there's a good reason for that which I will get into later. But I feel that you three need to see each other, so in a couple of hours, Scar, Lily, and I will give you guys the chance to spend some time together."

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