Chapter 6 ~ Scarlett

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Lily and I burst through the front door of the house tired and out of breath. "Gods," I breathed as I leaned over on my thighs. "I hate long-distance running."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lily nod her head in agreement. "Me too," she said.

I let out a long breath and straightened up. "I need to go to bed before I even think about what to do next." I patted Lily's shoulder and headed for my room. I paused on the second step when I heard footsteps in the kitchen. I looked over my shoulder and saw Ajax pacing back and forth across the tiled floor. I sighed, backing up and making my way towards the kitchen. Ajax didn't see me walking up to her, so when I tapped her on the shoulder, she jumped in surprise.

"Fuck," she muttered and rubbed her face with her hands. "You scared me."

I frowned. "Did I scare you, or are you so wrapped up in your thoughts that you didn't sense me coming?"

Ajax huffed. "I am thinking," she admitted. I motioned and waited for her to continue. "About something in the basement."

My confusion got the best of me. "What do you mean? What's in the basement?"

Lily chose that moment to walk in and join the conversation. "There's something in the basement?"

"Oh for fuck's sake!" Ajax exclaimed as she threw her hands up in the air. A wild look took over her features. "I panicked alright?"

A troubling feeling settled in my bones. "Panicked?" I wondered aloud. Before Ajax could respond, my curiosity overtook my actions and I hurried down the stairs.

Ajax made a high pitched noise and rushed after me. "No, wait!" She grabbed my shoulder just as I opened the door and saw a blindfolded figure. He was sitting on a chair in the middle of the basement with his hands tied behind his back and attached to the back rails of the chair. His ankles were strapped to the legs of the chair so he wasn't able to stand up. And secured over his mouth was a silver strip of duct tape that gagged him. I let out a squeak. "Shit," Ajax mumbled.

My stomach dropped as I turned back to her. "You didn't..." Disbelief dripped from my tone. My mind raced and my heartbeat quickened. "Holy fuck," I mumbled. I started breathing heavily.

"I didn't have any other choice," Ajax explained frantically. "I tried to explain to him that I was serious, but he wasn't listening and I freaked out and... kinda... maybe punched him unconscious."

I looked between Ajax and her victim. "You punched him?" I deadpanned. I pinched the bridge of my nose. Ajax nodded.

"Um, guys," Lily spoke up. Ajax and I both turned to look at her. "I think he's awake." Both of us immediately snapped our attention to the singer. He lifted his head from where it was resting on his chest and let out a painful groan.

"This is fine," Ajax mumbled to herself. "Everything is alright."

"Alright!?" I exclaimed. "Kendall Schmidt is tied up in our fucking basement! That's alright?"

Kendall groaned again and started to struggle against his restraints. Ajax started hyperventilating. It unnerved me that both of them started to really freak out at the same time.

I looked over at Lily who had a frustrated look on her face. "Freaking out isn't going to help anything," she snapped. Ajax and I stared at her, stunned by the outburst. "Maybe Ajax was right to bring him here."

"Maybe," I said toying with the idea. "Or maybe it just gave reason for the people who are threatening us and them to come out of hiding and take us all out at once."

Ajax pulled at the roots of her hair. "I didn't know what else to do," she moaned. I rubbed my face and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I know, Ajax," Lily said, trying to calm her down. She turned back to me. "I think that if these guys are really serious about hurting the boys, then I think it would be best if we were able to watch over them. You know... as closely as possible."

Kidnapping The Famous // 1D & BTR //Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt