Chapter 10 ~ Liam

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My eyes shot open after being aggressively shaken awake. I glanced over at the clock and read the illuminated blue numbers. 2:09 am. Who the hell was shaking me awake in the middle of the night? And why? My groggy mind couldn't come up with a solution as to why I needed to be up at this hour. Anger started to rise in my chest. I was about to snap at whoever woke me up so rudely, but when I saw Louis' panicked expression, I thought otherwise.

"Liam!" he yelled. He was gripping my shoulders with shaking hands and his blue eyes were glossy with unshed tears. Why was he so upset? "They're gone!"

I shook his hands off as I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "What's gone?" I asked. My voice was raspy from sleep. I really hoped that he was just freaking out because he was drunk and found out that he was missing some socks or something. With it being Louis shaking me awake, I didn't doubt it. But if that was the case, then why didn't he just wait until morning to tell me? And why did he look like he was going to cry?

Louis tangled his hands in his messy hair and pulled at the roots. His breathing was heavy and irregular and his eyes were filled with worry. "Niall and Harry," he groaned as he started pacing at the foot of my bed. My stomach dropped to the floor as I scrambled to my feet. "They're gone, Li. I-I tried calling them, but their phones are still here. They didn't leave a note or anything."

I tore out of the room in a panic and raced down the hallway, through the common room, and down the other hallway on the opposite end. My bare feet slammed on the hardwood floor mercilessly. When I got to Niall's room, I ripped the door open and my breathing stopped. They weren't in here. I turned to Harry's door hoping that they decided to move into there for some odd reason.

"I already checked, Liam," Louis said, grabbing my bicep from behind. My heart pounded aggressively in my chest, causing my ears to ring. I ignored him and checked anyway. And just like Niall's room, they were nowhere to be seen.

Dread settled deep in my bones like an ice bath. "Call the police!" I shouted and stormed back down the hallway and into the common room. "Now!" Louis scrambled for his phone that was in his room. By now, Zayn had woken up from my yelling. He stumbled out of his room rubbing his tired eyes.

"What's going on?" he mumbled as he crashed down on the couch. His raven black hair was sticking up in all different directions His brown eyes were just barely visible under his hooded lids and his long black lashes lightly brushed the skin under his eyes every time he blinked lazily.

"They're on their way, Liam," Louis said as he numbly walked into the common room.

"Who's on their way?" Zayn asked as he dropped his hands down to his lap. He glanced between the two of us when neither of us spoke about the situation. I, for one, didn't want to admit that the two youngest members of One Direction were missing.

I clenched my jaw and ran a hand through my hair. I brought it up to my face and saw that it was shaking. I then realized that my whole body was trembling. I dropped my hands to my side and turned my attention to the glass table. The note was gone and in its place was a master key for the hotel rooms. I picked it up and looked at the hotel room door.

"Where's Harry and Niall?" Zayn asked. Louis and I made eye contact. From Louis' expression, I could tell that he had shed some tears since he left to call 911. I nodded my head to Zayn slightly. Louis closed his eyes and shook his head. He dropped himself on the chair and buried his face in his hands. He looked drained. I couldn't blame him, I felt drained too.

Zayn started to wake up more. Concern was evident on his face. "Guys?" he asked. His voice was laced with nervousness. "Where are Harry and Niall?"

I sicked in a breath. "They're... they're gone, Zayn," I mumbled.

Zayn immediately shot up from his spot on the couch and faced me. A wild look took over his features. "What!" he exclaimed. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly open.

Kidnapping The Famous // 1D & BTR //حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن