Chapter 11 ~ Nick

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I slammed my fists down on the table in a fury. Matt and Justin jumped at the sudden noise. I was absolutely furious that we didn't make it to the boys in time. I knew that giving them another warning was foolish. "They're gone," I growled. My nostrils flared with my temper. "Those damn girls got to them first!" I huffed and started pacing across the floor. My anger continued to swell with each click of my heels hitting the tiled floor.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Matt stop cleaning the grime from under his nails with his pocket knife and look up at me. "Nick. Calm down, man," he said, flipping his knife closed and tossing it onto the table. Calm was not in my vocabulary at the moment. "We can still get them." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Matt's right," Justin chimed in. He loosened his red tie and fiddled with a pair of silver handcuffs that he swiped from an officer. These two were seriously testing my patience. "We know where they live. Well, where they dwell. That place is a shit hole."

I stopped pacing and turned to face the other two. "And how are we supposed to obtain the boys from the girls if they already have them? And before you say anything, may I remind you that these are the same three girls who single-handedly took down our entire pack as well as severely wounding all of us! So tell me, oh smart ones, how are we supposed to get to them without causing chaos and possibly from getting killed?" I paused and studied the faces of Justin and Matt. "Oh, and they know that we are going after those incompetent, wailing, man-children, so they'll be on the run now."

I watched as the two of them thought over their next words. "Well," Matt started. "We know their scent and always manage to pick it up again even though they, unfortunately, lose us every time. So we got that going for us." He does have a point there.

Justin chimed in. "And they did kidnap three very famous people, so the feds and the FBI and shit will be all over their asses. We can just ride off of them. Pay 'em off a bit." Riding off the authorities wasn't a bad idea. "And besides, it's not that hard to get ahold of them." He let out a barking, satisfied laugh. "It sure as hell wasn't hard to get into Scarlett's pants for fucks sake. Not that she knew it was me anyway. I kept myself hidden well."

My face scrunched up in disgust. The image of Justin going around fucking whoever he wants whenever he wants was not something I wanted to have. "I don't think I needed to know that," I mumbled, shaking my head. Matt nodded in agreement. "Moving on."

Thankfully Matt got the hint. "Okay, well," He sat up in his chair. "If they take off, which they most likely will, we could lend our resources to the authorities and help them find those overrated celebs. Then from there, it shouldn't be too hard to lure the girls out of hiding. They'll probably come looking for them again." The way Matt explained the situation made sense, but what didn't come so clearly was how to execute a successful plan that would result in the position he laid out without getting us caught-or getting blood on our hands.

Justin shot Matt a confused look. "Lure them out of hiding?" he asked as he locked and unlocked the cuffs over and over again. His fingers moved with startling accuracy.

"Yeah. Once we have the boys, we'll have our fun with them. We'll have to make sure that the girls know, then give them like, you know, a timestamp." Matt shrugged. "If they don't reveal themselves by a certain time, we'll kill the boys. Either way, we'll break their spirits. After all, the only people they really care about, besides each other, are those idiots."

Justin bit the inside of his cheeks and nodded. "You're right there," he said. "We'll still kill the celebrities anyway, right? I mean, we only need those damn girls to repopulate our race, and the only way we're going about this in an unorthodox way is because they keep slipping through our fingers."

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