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"Congratulations Mr. Styles you're pregnant."

"But I'm a boy."

", not technically."

"Harry hurry up! We only have 20 minutes to get to school and I have to shower still." Gemma yelled. It was the first day of school and Gemma was starting year 13 whilst Harry was starting year 11. Gemma was very popular at school, Harry was just kind of existing and they actually got along really well despite their early morning arguments. Harry definitely wasn't a loser or a loner or anything and he could be part of the popular crowd if he wanted to but he didn't. He was perfectly content with his group that consisted of his two best mates Liam and Zayn and his boyfriend Louis. Harry and Louis were out and proud both at school and at home and they received only support and love. Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn were all on the footie team, Louis was captain. Harry got excellent marks and already had universities looking at him despite him still having two years left in school. To sum it up, you could pretty much say Harry had a perfect lifestyle.

"Shut up Gemma you'll have plenty of time, Louis is coming to get me in five minutes!" Gemma rolled her eyes as Harry finally opened the door and left. He went to his room and quickly put on a red and blue checkered flannel, grey skinny jeans, and black and white converse before throwing on a gold pendant necklace. He then ran his hands through his curly hair and decided just to leave it as is.

 He then ran his hands through his curly hair and decided just to leave it as is

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He heard his phone vibrate and saw a text from Louis.

Good morning my love 😘💕. I'm outside your house with your favourite, a vanilla latte and a warm chocolate chip muffin. Better hurry up before it gets cold.

Harry smiled at the text and grabbed his bag before rushing downstairs and nearly running into his mum on his way out the door.

"Well good morning to you too." Anne joked.

"Sorry mum, Louis is here and I guess I was just in a rush." He said as he kissed her cheek.

"Tell him I said hi and ask if he wants to come over for dinner tonight."

"Will do mum."

"Alright love have a good day at school and I'll see you later. Speaking of school, I'm going to go get Gemma before she's late."

"She takes forever getting ready, it's ridiculous." Harry said as he snickered. Anne didn't catch on that Harry was the reason she still wasn't ready so she just kissed his forehead and shooed him out the door.

He got in Louis' car and quickly leaned over to kiss him but Louis had other plans and cupped his cheek to keep him in place as he deepened the kiss.

"How are you feeling today love?" Louis asked after he finally pulled away.

"Tired but excited for the new school year and footie season, how about you?"

"Same" Louis replied as he handed Harry his latte and muffin.

"Thank you." Louis just hummed in response as they drove to school with only the sound of the radio filling the car.

Louis and Harry had always had a special bond. They had met back in reception in year 2 and immediately became best mates. They spent every waking moment together and told each other everything there were no secrets between them. When they entered Secondary School Harry started feeling something stronger than just friendship for Louis but he kept his mouth shut because he was afraid of losing him. The beginning of year 10 was when they finally started dating and surprisingly Louis was the first one to admit his feelings. They had been together for almost a year now and everything was going perfectly. They were deeply in love with each other and nothing could change that. Despite all this, they still haven't had sex. Everyone, including Liam and Zayn assumed they went at it like rabbits any chance they got since both of them were very sexual people but they actually hadn't. It's not like they didn't want to, they really desperately did but they had made a promise to each other that they would make love for the first time on their one year anniversary which was now only a week away. They had done other things of course but they were waiting for sex. They were both virgins so it was very important that the timing and setting was perfect. Most people would say that if you plan it then it'll be a disaster,you have to just let it happen but Louis and Harry didn't care, they knew it'd be perfect because it was with each other.

Louis finally pulled up into the school car park and got out before going around to Harry's side and opening the door for him. Harry blushed and thanked him before getting out of the car. They intertwined their fingers as they walked into the building to start a brand new year and they were ready to attack any obstacles that were thrown their way....or so they thought.

Okay so this is just a side project that I wanted to start. Updates will be random and pretty much whenever I feel like it. Here and Now is still my main priority.

Anyway comment any feedback you have :)

But I'm A Boy- Larry MpregWhere stories live. Discover now