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"Harry! Harry wake up please!" Perrie shouted as she lightly slapped his fave to try and wake him up but nothing worked. The one thing she was thankful for was the fact that he hadn't collapsed on his stomach. He stumbled backwards a bit then fell on his back but on the bad side he had hit his head pretty hard. She quickly pulled out her phone and dialed 999 and gave them all the information except for the fact that he was pregnant. She'd tell them when they got here because she didn't want them thinking it was some sort of prank. After they told her they were on their way she thanked them and hung up before scrolling through her contacts, trying to make out the names through her blurred vision due to crying, and called the first person she came across that could help for the time being.

"Pez can you two hurry up and get back in here? Louis has been complaining about third wheeling it with Zayn and I ever since you left." Liam said jokingly.

"Liam..." She choked out through her tears.

"Pez are you crying? What's wrong?" He said with a now serious and concerned tone.

"You gotta come out to the bleachers, it's Harry. He's hurt real bad Liam." She sobbed.

"What?! Oh god. We're coming right now."  Liam said before hanging up and getting out of his seat.

"What was that all about?" Zayn asked casually.

"It was Perrie, Harry is hurt really badly and we need to go to the bleachers!" Liam didn't even get to finish his sentence before Louis was running out.

When they got out near the bleachers they saw a bunch of paramedics surrounding who they assumed was Harry as Perrie stood by crying. Zayn and Liam rushed over to her to find out what happened while Louis ran to Harry's side.

"Sir we need you to step back."

"No you don't understand, he's my boyfriend and he's two months pregnant!"

"We've been informed of the situation and we're going to do everything we can to help him but you have to let us do our job. We're taking him to A&E but only immediate family can ride in the ambulance so I'm sorry but you can meet us there." One of them informed Louis as the others loaded Harry into the ambulance. Louis just nodded with tears running down his face because he knew there was no fighting this so he, Liam, Zayn, and Perrie piled into his car and rushed off behind the ambulance.

"Perrie what happened?"

"I-I don't know. We were talking and we were getting ready to go back inside then all of sudden he clenched his stomach and then he blacked out, it was horrible it looked like he was being tortured because he was in so much pain." Louis didn't even respond, he just focused on trying to drive as the tears streamed down his face. He needed Harry and their babies to be okay, he truly didn't believe he could go on if anything happened to any of them, especially Harry.

As soon as they arrived they ran to the visitor check in desk.

"Harry Styles he's my boyfriend and he's two months pregnant I need to see him I need to know if he's okay!" Louis rushed out in one breath.

"Okay honey I need you to calm down and take deep breaths yeah? I don't need you having a panic attack." The check in lady said gently in a caring tone. When Louis had taken a few deep breaths and composed himself a  bit she continued talking. "Harry is in the ICU right now love, he woke up on the way here but he was screaming in pain so they had to sedate him. I can take you guys to a separate waiting room that's private if you'd like?" She offered.

"That'd be great thank you." Liam cut in, Louis was still a bit too upset to have a normal conversation. She smiled slightly and motioned for them to follow her. She led them closer to the ICU and stopped at a room right before you enter the ward. She pulled out a key and unlocked it, letting them in.

"There's a fridge with drinks and snacks and the remote for the telly is in that drawer right over there and then there's a private toilet right through that door. Also that couch pulls out into a bed type thing of you get tired. I'll inform the team of doctors helping Harry that you guys are in here. If you need anything just come to the check in desk and ask for me, my name is Bernadette."

"Thank you so much for doing this for us." Perrie said. Bernadette just brushed it off, smiled, then left. The group wasn't really in the mood to watch the telly or eat so they just all grabbed a water out of the fridge and sat back and tried to relax but even that was a struggle.

"I'm going to go call Anne." Zayn announced as he walked toward the toilets. He knew she needed to know and Louis definitely wasn't in a state to make that call.

Within twenty minutes Anne and Gemma were rushing into the room.

"Where is he?! Is he okay?! Oh god my baby!" Anne sobbed. They wished they could tell her he was fine but they weren't even so sure themselves so Louis sucked it up and went to comfort her as did Gemma.

Minutes seemed like hours and hours seemed like days but finally after four hours a doctor opened the door and they all stood up looking at him expectantly.

"The good news is Harry is okay..." He started and all of them sighed in relief but then another thought struck Gemma.

"What about the twins? He didn't go into premature labour or have a miscarriage right?" She asked, not really sure if she wanted to know the answer. The doctor sighed and fully entered the room, letting the door shut behind him, and sat down on a chair.

"Mr. Styles neither miscarried nor went into premature labour, however, he did have what we call an ectopic pregnancy. In a normal pregnancy your ovary releases an egg into your fallopian tube. If the egg meets with a sperm, the fertilized egg moves into your uterus to attach to its lining and continues to grow for the next 9 months. But in up to 1 of every 50 pregnancies, the fertilized egg stays in your fallopian tube. In that case, it's called an ectopic pregnancy or a tubal pregnancy. In rare cases, the fertilized egg attaches to one of your ovaries, another organ in your abdomen, the cornua of the uterus or even the cervix. In any of those cases, your life is in extreme danger. In Harry's case there was a third egg that never made it was to the uterus and made its home in the Fallopian tube. We don't consider it a miscarriage because it didn't develop at all. Harry had to have emergency surgery to save his life and we lost him on the table once but we were able to bring him back right away so we're not worried about any lasting damage with that. As far as your twins go, they're okay right now but we most likely could be looking at complications in the future. Whether it's related to the pregnancy or it's something that will be diagnosed once they're born, we're not sure. We also won't know if it'll affect just one or both of them, only time will tell.  Harry also has a slight concussion because he hit his head when he passed out but he is in stable condition right now and it's nothing to worry about. He woke up after surgery but we gave him some painkillers and he's most likely sleeping again, however if you want to go see him we can let you in one at a time." They thanked the doctor and took turns seeing Harry. Anne was first of course, then Gemma, then Perrie, Liam, and Zayn. They had offered for Louis to go after Gemma but he said he wanted to go last because he didn't want to feel rushed. Now it was his turn and he stood outside Harry's door for a minute before taking a deep breath and entering. To his surprise, Harry looked normal, he was a little paler than normal and you could see the tiredness on his face even though he was asleep but other than that he looked fine. Louis expected him to look on the verge of death with millions of wires everywhere but all he had was the heart monitors on his chest, a breathing tube in his nose, and an IV in his arm which Louis guessed was giving him the pain medication. He walked over to his side and kissed his lips softly and quickly before sitting down in the chair next to the bed and taking his hand.

"You're so strong love, I'm so glad you and our babies are okay. Just keep on resting so you can get better and get out of here. I love you and our babies so much." He told him before kissing his hand and quietly leaving the room so Harry could rest.

I always see miscarriages in mpregs but never any ectopic pregnancies or anything like that and I didn't want my fanfiction to be like every other one out there. I like to be different  and try out new plot lines and I hope you guys like that. Please leave feedback on things you like or things I could improve on. I benefit from constructive criticism.

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