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It wasn't until lunch time that Harry decided to approach Perrie. He had her in all of his lessons but he wanted to be able to have a heart to heart with her and you can't exactly do that with a teacher rambling on and on right in front of you.

"Haz, you don't even know this girl, why are you going to help her with her pregnancy?" Louis asked.

"Everybody needs somebody Lou. It's not like I'm offering to be the father, i'm just going to offer a bit of support because I can't imagine what it must be like going through this alone especially at such a young age. You don't have to come with me if you don't want to but I'm going to sit with her."

"Look, if you're so set on this then I'm 100% behind you and I want to offer her support too but I'm not good in these types of situations so maybe it's best if you just talk to her today then maybe you can introduce me once you get to know her better."

"Alright that sounds good boo. Have fun sitting alone with Ziam, I love and I'll see you next lesson." Harry said as he pecked Louis' lips softly before going over to where Perrie was sitting alone in the corner.

"Hey...I'm Harry, I'm in almost all of  your lessons and we've talked a few times before but I'm not sure if you remember."

"Um, yeah, I remember you. Look, if you're here to make a comment about how I'm a slut or a whore can you please just get it over with? I've been hearing it all day and my day was already bad enough." She said quietly, barely looking up. Harry immediately frowned, Perrie genuinely was a really nice girl.

"No, that's not why I'm here at all, quite the opposite actually. I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you if you ever need to talk or anything. I know this must be hard for you." Perrie finally fully looked up and smiled.

"Thank you Harry, that means a lot."

"Anytime, now do you want to talk about why your day was so bad today?" He asked gently.

"Well, like I said everyone has been calling me a slut and a whore and they names all day, I got kicked off the cheerleading squad, and all my...well who I thought were my friends, left me saying they couldn't be seen with me anymore. I know it's all my fault but it still hurts."

"It's not all your fault, it takes two to make a baby and you're definitely handling it the best you can. Have you told your parents yet?

"Thanks. And yeah, they were disappointed and my mum cried so I felt horrible but they told me they'd support me and that they were here for me so I'm extremely grateful for that. If they would have shut me out I literally would have had nobody."

"Well now you have me as well. Do you know how far along you are?"

"five months. I haven't had any symptoms and barely any weight gain. The only reason I even found out I was pregnant was because I had a check up and if you're sexually active it's standard that you take a pregnancy test." Harry looked at her basically flat stomach, there was a small amount of pudge but it looked like she was just having period bloating, she definitely didn't look pregnant.

"Woah, you got really lucky then. You haven't had any morning sickness?"

"I'm starting to get it a little bit now but it's nothing too bad. Hopefully I'll start to show more soon though, I'm worried that the baby isn't growing enough."

"I'm sure everything will be fine." Harry said with a smile. soon the Bell rang and they had to go to their next lesson. "Hey, if you want you can sir with my boyfriend and our two best mates at lunch. They're really nice and I can introduce you."

"That's really nice, thanks Harry, really. I haven't had someone who knows I'm pregnant be this nice to me."

"I don't know what their problem is, you're one of the nicest girls here." Perrie smiled as they walked towards their next lesson. Harry introduced her to Louis, Liam, and Zayn and they got on quite well. She easily fit into their little group.

It was the last lesson of the day when Harry started feeling a bit off. His stomach was lightly cramping and it was uncomfortable but it wasn't painful. He put his hand on his stomach and lightly rubbed it. Louis looked over and saw Harry's look of discomfort and frowned.

"Is everything alright love?" He whispered so they wouldn't get in trouble.

"Yeah I think so, my stomach is just cramping a bit."

"Aww is it that time of the month again?" Zayn joked from behind.

"Shut up Zayn or I'll tell Liam about your secret fetish." Harry snapped. Zayn turned red and quickly sat back in his seat.

"Do you want to go to the infirmary?"

"No I'll be alright, school is almost over anyways and I think I just ate something that hasn't settled yet, it'll be fine."

It wasn't fine though and by the time Louis had pulled up in Harry's driveway to drop him off he was almost in tears.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"My stomach, I really don't feel well Lou. It's really crampy."

"Aww I'm sorry love. Let's get you inside and up to bed and I'll get you a heating pad." Harry just nodded and slowly slid out of the car. He put one arm over Louis' shoulders and the other stayed around his stomach as Louis helped him inside.

Anne was in the family room and immediately came over to them when she saw the state Harry was in.

"Harry what's wrong baby?"

"My stomach is cramping really badly mum, it feels like my insides are squeezing themselves." He said as a tear finally rolled down his cheek. Anne quickly wiped it away.

"Aww don't cry baby boy. Come on let's get you upstairs." Anne and Louis helped him up the stairs and into his room. Louis helped him take off as shirt,pants, socks, and shoes and tucked him in while Anne went to grab the heating pad that her and Gemma use when they're on their periods. "Does that help?"

"A little, I can feel my muscles relaxing a bit."

"That's good, get some rest okay?" Anne said before kissing him on the forehead and leaving the room. Louis stripped down to his boxers as well and got in bed next to Harry and began rubbing the part of his stomach that wasn't covered by the heating pad.

"I thought you had something you needed to do after school today?" Harry asked curiously, remembering that Louis had told him during first hour that he had to drop him off quickly after school and then go run errands.

"Well yeah I did're more important than anything I needed to do. Now relax and close your eyes love." Harry smiled and cuddled into Louis, quickly falling asleep. Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and followed soon after.

Aww cute moments. Harry is not in any type of labour. This isn't some I didn't know I was pregnant shit where they literally don't know until they give birth. The cramping Harry felt is the fertilized egg attaching itself to the uterine wall. It's very common in real life for women to experience cramping during that process but it almost feels like period cramps and can be accompanied by spotting so some women can't tell the difference. Anyway how are you liking this story so far? :)

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