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Lottie and Fizzy had come downstairs when they heard Jay screaming and then the door slamming but she motioned them to go back upstairs so she could take care of Louis.

He eventually calmed down after about ten minutes but Jay just continued to hold him. She missed her little boy, he was growing up way too quickly and soon he'd have two babies of his own. She wanted to hold on to him while she still could.

"Let's put some ice on your cheek boobear, it's starting to bruise." She said with a frown and a look of guilt on her face but Louis just shook his head.

"I want to go see Harry." He said as he wiped his eyes.

"Baby are you sure? Don't you think you should stay home and rest?"

"No I-I wanna see Harry." He replied before getting up, grabbing his keys, and leaving the house. Thirty seconds later he came back in and hugged Jay. "I love you mum. None of this was your fault so don't you dare feel guilty." And then he walked back out.

He stood on Harry's doorstep roughly knocking on the door as tears streamed down his face again, stinging as they ran over the bruise. On the shirt drive over he couldn't keep his mind from replaying what had happened over and over. He also felt guilty for technically ending his mum's marriage. Sure Dan was a huge prat and Louis hated him with a passion but he still took away his mum's husband and his sisters' "father." Soon the door opened and Gemma was stood there.

"Geez Lou no need to break the... Louis what's wrong?! Oh my god, come in." She helped him inside and sat him on the couch as she ran to get an ice pack. She was just about to ask about the bruise when Harry walked in after hearing the commotion from his room. As soon as he saw the state his boyfriend was in he quickly rushed over to him.

"Louis who did this to you love?" He asked as he wiped Louis' tears with the pads of his thumbs.

"Dan." Louis sniffled. "He told me he hoped me, you, and the babies died and he called me a bunch of names before slapping me." Harry's face turned bright red in anger and he stood up but Louis put his hand on his arm. "Where are you going?"

"To kill that son of a bitch." He growled.

"Haz no, my mum threw him out plus you're pregnant and I'm afraid he'd harm you." Harry was still livid but Louis was right, plus he didn't want to leave his side right now when he's this upset.

"Okay, let's go up to my room so you can lay down yeah?" Louis nodded and thanked Gemma before following Harry up to his room and getting in bed. "Do you want to talk about it boo?" Harry asked as he lightly played with Louis' hair but Louis shook his head.

"Just want you to hold me." He said quietly as he let Harry wrap his arms around him, finally allowing himself to be the little spoon. He had to admit it was a comforting feeling.

The next few days were rough. Louis was having nightmares about Dan and ended up just going to stay at Harry's since that's the only time they didn't happen. After a few nights of finally getting a good sleep he was starting to go back to his old self.

Louis, Harry, Perrie, Liam, and Zayn were siting in maths just trying to survive the boring lesson, it was only Monday so knowing they had a whole week of this ahead of them made them want to jump out the window. Harry looked over at Perrie and saw her writing something on a half piece of paper. He noticed how she was practically glowing and she looked perfect still even though she was almost seven months pregnant now. He envied her in a way because he was only two months and he didn't look pregnant, he looked like he'd over eaten every night for those past two months and his skin was starting to break out. In a way he was kind of glad he didn't look pregnant though. He hadn't discussed this with Louis or any one else besides his mum and Gemma but he decided that as soon as he started to show he was going to drop out of the school and start online schooling at him that way he could hopefully get ahead and do his GCSEs early and nobody else would have to find out he was pregnant. He felt so guilty but he was ashamed of being pregnant. He felt like a horrible father already but he couldn't bring himself to let anyone else find out. It wasn't normal and not everyone would have a good reaction like his mates did. Harry knew he was sensitive and he knew that people making comments about him would bring unnecessary stress. He was snapped out of his train of thought by a wadded piece of paper hitting him on the cheek. He rubbed it quickly before opening the paper.

Need to talk to you alone at lunch,meet me on the bleachers?

Of course, is everything alright? He wrote before passing it back to her while the teacher wasn't looking. She wrote something down quickly before handing it back again.

Yeah, just need to talk.

Lunch came fairly quickly and Harry found himself walking towards the bleachers after telling Liam, Louis, and Zayn that Perrie needed him.

"Hey you made it." Perrie said with a smile as her hands rested on her huge yet adorable baby bump.

"Of course I did. Anyway what's up?"

"Feel free not to answer me if you're not comfortable with it but, what was it like coming out of the closet?" Harry wasn't expecting that type of question.

"Oh no that's fine, um, it was fine really. I came out technically just by holding Louis' hand and kissing him around school. I didn't make some huge announcement or anything but everyone seems perfectly fine with it for the most part which I'm extremely thankful for. Why did you ask that?" Perrie looked at the ground and blushed.

"You know how you lot have been bugging me about who I've been texting so much? Well I've kinda, sorta, had a girlfriend for the past month. Her name is Jade Thirwall and she's a year above us in year 12. She's really sweet, and beautiful, and just amazing. She's even willing to help me raise the baby."

" Pez that's wonderful. I'm so glad you found someone. I definitely need to meet her, why didn't you tell me sooner, or the lads?"

" I was too nervous."

"You literally have no reason to be, you really think your four GAY best mates, one of which is a fucking pregnant male, are going to make fun of you or judge you for having a girlfriend?"

"When you put it that way it does make my logic look really dumb. You're right, I'll tell them right now." She said as she stood up. Harry did the same but as he did the most intense pain he's ever felt ripped through his stomach and the last thing he heard was Perrie scream his name as his vision started going black and he fell to the floor.

I can't help it, I'm an angst writer. Anyway QOTC are: 1. What do you think is wrong with Harry?

2.What do you think about Perrie telling Harry about her girlfriend Jade?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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