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"Harry, I love you so much and I thought you felt the same...why would you do this to me?" Louis asked as the tears kept falling.

"Louis I can explain, I promise I didn't get a girl pregnant. I'm definitely gay and I'd never cheat on you. I love you."

"Then how do you explain this Harry because I'm pretty sure people don't just have random sonogram pictures laying around their room." He said with hurt still in his voice as if he didn't believe that Harry didn't cheat on him. Harry sighed, sat on the bed next Louis and put his face in his hands.

"I thought I was going to have more time to plan out what I was going to say. Okay...um I'll tell you but you have to promise not to interrupt. You can ask any questions you have, which I'm sure will be a lot, when I'm done okay?" Louis nodded and Harry averted Louis' gaze, choosing to look at the floor, and took a deep breath as he began talking. "Well you know how I was having those weird symptoms and was really ill? Well after that day when I threw up at practice I went to the doctor with Gemma. The doctor examined me and I had intense pain in my stomach when she pushed down on it. She had to do it again and to try and distract me she was asking about school and stuff and she asked if I had a girlfriend. I said I had a boyfriend and she immediately got serious and asked if we'd ever had sex and when I said yes she told me she needed to take a blood sample to check for HIV and other STDs..."

"Oh Haz.." Louis started but Harry just shook his head signaling for Louis not to interrupt.

"So she took the sample and tested it and it came back negative for that and I was so grateful but then she said that there was something abnormal on the test and that she wanted me to go to hospital and see a specialist right away. I was terrified by this point and basically sobbing and Gemma took me to hospital and called our mum who met us there. The specialist took us in her office then she asked if I was off my hormones and I asked what she was talking about and she told me that records usually state when a person is transgender but mine didn't say anything. I told her I wasn't transgender and she got really confused and kept looking at her chart and then she told me that I'm the first recorded case of this ever happening. I was born intersex, I have a male body on the outside but on the inside I have a female reproduction system, that's rare but it's not unheard of. However, i'm the only one where both reproductive systems work. She had me lay down and do an ultrasound and confirmed that I was 6 weeks pregnant...well 7 weeks now. My mum, Gemma, and I had no idea that I was born like that and it took a lot of convincing from the doctor to believe it but...yeah. So those are my sonogram pictures." Harry finished, still refusing to look up at Louis.

"W-what? Is the baby mine?"

"Of course Lou, you're the only one I've ever made love to."

"I don't know I thought that maybe since both systems work you might have gotten yourself pregnant or something." Louis said in disbelief as he stared at the picture.

"It doesn't work like that, because it'd have solely my genetics it wouldn't survive more than a few days in the womb, I probably would never have known I was pregnant." Louis nodded, still in shock.

But I'm A Boy- Larry MpregWhere stories live. Discover now