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After that day everything was fine for awhile. Harry was back to his old self again. He worked hard during footie practice and even coach Grimshaw noticed his efforts. He was training by himself even more outside of school because he wanted to be the best he could be. Anne was relieved to see him thriving because for a moment she actually thought there might have been a serious issue. The line was still there but she was no longer concerned because the bloating, cramping, and dizzy spells were completely gone and she figured the line would disappear on its own. Even Harry wasn't worried anymore and he's possibly one of the biggest worriers in the UK. Okay maybe that was an exaggeration but you get the idea. He was starting to forget anything even happened considering it all seemed to just go away, until one day four and a half weeks later.

Harry woke up and as he was getting dressed for school he noticed slight bloating again. He didn't have any cramps and he wasn't dizzy so he just decided to ignore it and continue getting ready. As he pulled on his jeans he noticed they were a bit snug which was weird since he'd been working out a lot more than usual and even with the small bit of bloating they still should have fit. He was able to get them on but they were uncomfortable so he decided to just take them off and put on some joggers instead. Out of curiosity he went into the loo and stepped on the scale, he'd gained ten pounds. How did he gain so much? He wasn't eating anymore than usual and he was working out twice a day. He was just going to forget about it for now, if he stood here and continued to think about it he'd be late for school.

He went downstairs to see his mum cooking breakfast and Gemma already sitting at the table eating.

"Morning baby boy, do you want some breakfast?" Anne asked as she turned around with a pan of bacon in her hands. As soon as she did, the smell hit Harry like a truck and his face paled as he ran to the loo. Anne worriedly put down the pan and ran after him while Gemma just sat there with a confused yet worried look on her face. Anne entered the loo and immediately kneeled down behind Harry as he threw up everything he had eaten the day before. She brushed his curls off his forehead,secretly checking for a fever, and was surprised when she didn't find one. Harry stopped for a minute and leaned back against her trying to catch his breath. She started to ask him a question but before she could finish he gagged and was instantly back over the toilet throwing up. This went on for another five minutes before he breathlessly said he was done. Anne just continued to sit on the floor with him and rubbed his back until he caught his breath.

"Why didn't you tell me you were feeling poorly love?" she asked as she wiped his nose, mouth, and chin with some toilet tissue before flushing the toilet.

"I felt fine until right before and now I feel okay again. I guess I just had to get something bad out of my system. Anyway I have to go get my bag, Louis will be here any minute." he said as he stood up to wash his hands.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay home? That was pretty bad." but Harry just shook his head.

" I feel fine now." Anne gave him a concerned look but hesitantly nodded.

"At least tell Louis what happened so he can look out for you."

"I will." he lied. Louis wasn't typically a worrier but when it came to Harry he was protective enough to be his father, he over-exaggerated even the smallest things. He walked back into the kitchen and sat down next to Gemma who was still eating while he waited for Louis.

"Is everything alright? Did you get sick?" she asked.

"Yeah but I feel fine now. I guess I just ate something bad that I needed to get out of my system."

"Oh, okay. Maybe you still shouldn't go to footie practice though just in case. I mean, you passed out before and you hadn't even got sick that day or anything."

"I'll be fine Gem. I have to go to footie." She just shook her head in disagreement but decided not to say anything else. Harry was stubborn, there was no changing his mind once it was set on something.

Louis arrived a few minutes later and Harry quickly rushed out the door before his mum or Gemma could mention anything to them about him being ill. School was pretty uneventful for the most part. First and hour was boring as always. He hated maths. He passed the time by texting Louis who sat three rows behind him now due to their teacher moving them because of their talking and sticking little post it notes on Perrie's now swollen belly. She was now a little over 6 months pregnant and it seemed like it was almost overnight that she had gone from a flat tummy to looking like she had a bowling ball inside of her. She still looked amazing though, she was glowing. Perrie was so wrapped up in texting that she wasn't even paying any attention to Harry. She seemed to be on her phone a lot these days and she was always smiling and blushing. Every time Harry asked who she was talking to she'd just say it was no one and then go back to texting and blushing. He knew she was probably talking to some guy and he was happy for her but he hoped she told him about her being pregnant right away because if not it would definitely cause some problems.

It was the last hour of the day when Harry started to feel a little weird again. He felt really hot and his stomach was turning a bit but it wasn't too overwhelming. By the time the lesson was over he jumped up and rushed outside, not even bothering to wait for Louis, Liam, or Zayn.

"Babe are you alright?" Louis asked as he finally caught up to Harry.

"Yeah, I just needed fresh air. It was getting really hot in there and I think I'm a bit dehydrated." he said before taking a drink of his water. "I feel better now though."

They all got changed and started practice. They ran and did some drills as usual. Coach Grimshaw decided on another scrimmage match since their first real one was in a week. He split Harry and Louis and made them choose their teams. Harry ended up with Liam while Louis had Zayn. They started the match and right away Harry was off to a strong start. He passed the ball to Liam who then passed it to another team mate of theirs named Josh. Josh set up a wide pass to the left post where Harry was waiting and he headed it in which caused his team for that match to cheer. They continued on and soon they only had twenty minute of practice left. Harry started getting that nauseous feeling again but he ignored it and tried his best to carry on. The ball came towards him and he trapped it with his foot. His initial instinct was to travel down the field with it since he knew he could easily go around all the defense but then a strong wave of nausea hotly him and he quickly just kicked the ball straight to Louis, not even caring they were on opposite teams at the moment. Coach Grimshaw was about to ask what that was all about but then he saw Harry place a hand over his mouth and run to the rubbish bin on the side of the field. Louis saw and passed the ball off to Zayn before running over to Harry along with Coach Grimshaw.

"Babe what's wrong?" Harry just gripped the sides of the bin so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He began breathing a bit heavier and coach Grimshaw put his clipboard and whistle down and began to rub his back. Harry gagged and leaned forward but nothing happened. This happened twice more and Grimshaw was about to lead him away to go sit down when he leaned forward again and finally threw up. It was a horrible sound, sight, and smell but neither Louis nor Coach Grimshaw cared. Harry retched and threw up again as his face paled by the second. Coach Grimshaw ran to get the nurse. Their other teammates were looking on by now but Louis just ignored them and focused on Harry. Harry breathed heavily over the bin and choked on air a bit as tears flowed from his eyes, he wished he had listened to his
Mum and Gemma and had stayed home. He groaned as nausea came over him again and he threw up.

"Aw it's okay love just let it all out. What's got you so ill?" Louis asked as he rubbed Harry's back and kissed the back of his neck gently. Coach Grimshaw came back with the nurse and she placed him in a wheelchair because he looked as if he'd pass out at any moment. She took his temperature and surprisingly, once again it was normal.

"I couldn't get ahold of your mum darling but I ran to get your sister who was at cheer practice and she's going to get the car then drive around to this side of the school an get you. She said she was able to get you an appointment at the doctor in an hour." Harry just slightly nodded, feeling too weak to do anything else. Gemma drove up two minutes later and Louis and Liam carried Harry to the car and placed him in while Zayn carried his stuff over. Zayn and Liam told him to feel better and that they'd go visit him later.

"I love you babe, feel better. And call me as soon as you find out anything from the doctor. I'll come over later too yeah?" Louis said as he pecked Harry's lips, not caring about the stench of vomit on his breath. Harry just nodded and allowed Louis to shut the door as Gemma drove him away towards the doctor.

We're getting closer grin emoticon Just to clear things up. With pregnancy, depending on the person, morning sickness isn't always just in the mornings. Most often it is but it can occur at any time. Anyway, how do you think Harry is going to react to finding out?

But I'm A Boy- Larry MpregWhere stories live. Discover now