Twenty Three

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It was 25 February and Harry was now 30 weeks pregnant. He was finding himself out of breath more often than not and was extremely fatigued. He had been on bedrest for six weeks now, having to start a week earlier than expected due to the toll the pregnancy was having on his body.


"Yes love?" They were currently at Louis' house because Harry wanted a change of scenery from his own room.

"Can we do something today?"

"Like what darling? You know you shouldn't do too much walking."

"I was thinking we could maybe go out to the shops, I haven't been in awhile and I want to start buying things for the nursery." Louis hesitated for a moment but nodded anyway. He knew how bored Harry had been lately.

"Alright but tell me if you start to feel tired. And what about your bump love? The whole reason you started home schooling was because you were afraid for people to find out."

"Oh...yeah, I-I didn't think about that." He said with a sniffle as a tear rolled down his cheek. Louis quickly went over to cuddle him.

"Hey, love no, don't cry please. It breaks my heart to see you cry. We can figure something out yeah?" Harry just sniffled and nodded. Louis kissed his temple before going over to his closet and looking through it. "It's still freezing out so you can get away with wearing layers." Louis pulled out his three largest jumpers which were usually huge on Harry but would probably fit him only slightly big now. He then pulled out his team jacket for footie which would still be big on him.  "Alright this should do the job. Arms up love." Harry did as told and blushed slightly as Louis pulled his shirt off. Once he was dressed again Louis helped him stand up and walk over to the mirror. "You can't even tell now love. I told you I'd figure it out." He said before pecking Harry's lips lightly and helping him out to the car.

When they arrived at the shops they knew what they wanted. They had discussed it in the car to go with a gender neutral Disney theme. The walls would be painted green and they would just put Disney character decals all over the walls. They went into one of the shops and started picking out things they needed such as the decorations and the cots and things like that. Before they knew it they had been in there for an hour just throwing things into the cart. Harry had been having back pains and was starting to feel extremely tired but he was so excited about shopping that he decided to ignore it for a little bit, it was still bearable.

"You alright Hazza?" Harry snapped his head up to look at Louis and nod, he didn't even realize that he had spaced out. "Are you sure? We can go home if you're not feeling well." By this point Harry was starting to feel a little bit nauseous as well but he was stubborn and he didn't want to go home yet.

"I'm fine Lou. I'm a bit tired but I'm alright. Let's just finish getting what we need then we can go home." Louis sighed but nodded, he was just going to have to trust Harry's judgement on this one.

They continued to walk around the shop and get more things with Harry starting to feel worse and worse. Everytime Louis wasn't looking he'd rub his stomach to try and stop the nausea but he knew it was only a matter of time until he got sick. It started to get so bad that he debated telling Louis but then he said that they were going to check out now so Harry decided he would just wait until they got home to say anything.

Louis paid for everything and then brought it out to his car where he began loading it all in. Harry gripped the door handle as a particularly strong wave of nausea hit him. He was already feeling weak and that definitely didn't help. He tried breathing through it and for a second it worked but then it came back stronger than ever and he quickly turned away from the car and hunched over as he began gagging. Louis quickly dropped what he was holding and ran over to Harry and rubbed his back.

"It's alright love let it all out." Harry gagged once more before throwing up everything he had eaten that day onto the pavement beneath him. Louis just continued yes to rub his back as he continuously coughed and threw up. Eventually he finished and Louis wiped his mouth and helped him into the car before quickly loading the rest of the stuff in and getting in the driver's seat.

"You should have told me you weren't feeling well love." He said as he softly rubbed Harry's thigh. "We're going straight back to my house but tell me if you need me to pull over." Harry just nodded and leaned against the window as he closed his eyes, trying to get some sleep. He usually felt better once he was sitting down but for some reason he still felt horrible. He hoped it'd be better by the time they got back to the house.

When they arrived at Louis' Harry insisted he could get out by himself. He stepped out and immediately he knew something wasn't right. He swayed as dizziness took over him but he desperately tried to fight it. He suddenly felt something damp on his bum and he put his hand on the back of his grey sweats. When he looked at his hand he froze in fear, it was covered in blood. He could feel it dripping down his legs steadily as everything around him seemed to go dimmer and blurrier. His body felt heavy yet light at the same time and his mind was fuzzy.

"Haz? HAZ WAKE UP!" was the last thing he heard as he hit the ground and everything finally went black.

Damn there's Harry drama in both of my books right now. ✌ you know the drill: vote, comment your feedback, and all that good stuff. 😘

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