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Harry was extremely nervous to face Louis the next day at school but he never showed up and that worried Harry even more. He wanted to at least see Louis and know he was okay.

"Harry what the hell did you do?!" Liam scolded as they walked from first hour to second.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb Harry you know damn well what I'm talking about. Why did you break up with Louis?!"

"I did it to protect him!"

"did you really? Or was it because you're too much of a wimp to tell him the truth?! Think about it Harry, you're not protecting him. You've left him heartbroken without an explanation, the baby without a father, and yourself to do everything alone so if you thought you were protecting yourself as well then you were wrong. All you've done is make things worse."

"He doesn't want a baby Liam! Remember what he said when you told us that Perrie was pregnant? He said that a baby would ruin his life and that he was glad we were gay because we could actually plan when we wanted a child! Does this look planned?! So I am protecting him Liam! He's finally doing well in school and he's really focused on footie, he'll get over me."

"You don't get it. He's not going to "get over you" Harry. You've been dating for over a year, you took each others virginity, and you've been best mates since year 2. You're in his life forever, whether it be physically or as just a memory so why would you do this to him when you don't even know how he'd react to the news? He might have said that before but that's because it didn't directly affect him. He loves you more than anything Harry, don't underestimate him and take him out of the game before he has the chance to even be in it. By the way, what Zayn said the other day still stands. If you don't tell Louis within that week and a half period then we will, you have six days left." Liam said before walking away.

The next day was Saturday and Harry couldn't be more thankful. He didn't know how to tell Louis especially now that they were broken up which by the way, was tearing him apart. He loved Louis so much and dumping him was the hardest thing he ever had to do. He really thought he was doing what was best for Louis but after talking to Liam he wasn't so sure. He wanted him back more than anything but he knew he wasn't ready to talk to him about everything. Harry had also been thinking about footie, he knew he had to quit but he didn't want to go up to Grimshaw during their practice. Harry then remembered that the JV team was having a weekend practice and if he hurried he could probably catch Grimshaw before it was over. He quickly threw on a jumper and some joggers before walking towards the school.

Louis had skipped school the previous day, he was too heartbroken to go. Harry was his everything, he still is. Why did he dump him? Did he do something wrong? Did he think the sex was bad? Did he fall out of love? It was driving him crazy, he needed to know why. He also needed to get Harry back, he wasn't letting him go that easily. Louis didn't even change out of his pyjamas and just grabbed his keys and drove off towards Harry's house. When he got there he decided just to knock since Harry would most likely ignore his phone calls anyway. Gemma opened the door.

"Oh hey Lou, uh, Harry just stepped out but he shouldn't be long. You can wait for him in his room."

"Um yeah that'd be great thanks." he said, faking a smile since he figured Gemma didn't know about their break up. He went upstairs into Harry's room and just sat on the bed. It'd only been a few days since he'd last been here but he missed it so much already. He smiled while looking at the posters on Harry's wall and the stuffed animals he kept on his bed. He kicked off his shoes and decided to lay down but when he laid on the pillow he heard a slight crinkling sound, almost as if there was a piece of paper or a picture underneath so he sat up and reached under, pulling it out.

"Harry, we missed you the past few days. This isn't your team's practice though, why are you here?" Coach Grimshaw asked.

"I uh, I actually have to talk to you."

"Well practice is over in a few minutes, go ahead and wait in my office and I'll be right there yeah?" Harry nodded and did as told, as he sat down he couldn't help but let his hands automatically rest on his stomach even though he was far from showing. Five minutes later coach Grimshaw entered and took a seat at his desk across from Harry. "So what's going on Harry?"

"I uh, I need to quit the team." he said as he looked down at the floor.

"What? Harry why? You just got the co captain position and you've been improving so much. Scouts are already interested in you."

"I know, I just can't. I went to the doctor and I'm not allowed to play anymore."

"What? Harry are you alright, what did the doctor say?""You're not going to believe this but..." he then went on to explain. Grimshaw had tons of questions but eventually he realized that Harry was telling the truth."Well your secret is safe with me, I'll just tell the team you quit for personal reasons. I also really suggest you tell Louis because he will find out and it's best he heard it from you."

"I know, thank you coach. I'll definitely still come to the matches and support the team."

" I'll be looking for you, and as long as it still fits you're welcome to wear the team jersey." Harry smiled before leaving the office and walking back home.

"I'm home!" he yelled as he walked into the house. There was no reply so he figured his mum and Gemma were out, he didn't even bother to check if their cars were there. He walked up to his room and opened the door. He gasped seeing Louis sitting on his bed in tears as he held one of the sonogram pictures in his hands. Louis looked up at him as silent tears streamed down his face and spoke up with nothing but pain and heartbreak in his voice.

"Is this why you broke up with me? Because you got a girl pregnant?"

So Louis thinks Harry cheated and got a girl pregnant. Do you think Harry is going to come clean or is he going to come up with some other excuse?

But I'm A Boy- Larry MpregWhere stories live. Discover now