Twenty Five *Final Chapter*

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I wasn't going to update until tomorrow but I'm too excited. So I'll just finish this and hopefully start the sequel tomorrow.

Soon after that everyone came into the room and congratulated Harry and Louis before taking turns holding the babies. No one could believe how small they were. They all just talked and Gemma joked with Harry about how he'd have to return all the girl clothes they had gotten. Everyone stayed for about three hours but then they began leaving as they noticed Harry was getting tired. Anne and Jay told them that they'd start moving things into their new flat and the others said they would help that way everything would be ready by the time they left hospital which Louis and Harry were extremely grateful for.

After everyone left, Louis and Harry had about an hour to hold and talk to their babies before Zoe came back in.

"Alright so I need to borrow little Ashton for a bit. It's time for their wellness tests which checks their hearing and eyesight and things like that. Ashton also looks a little bit jaundiced so we'll treat him for that." Louis nodded and seeing as he was the one currently holding Ashton, handed him off to Zoe.

"How long do these tests take?"

"About a half hour. Once I bring Ashton back then I'll take Niall." Louis and Harry nodded and watched as Zoe carried their first born out of the room.

Harry was asleep and Louis was in the middle of Niall's first nappy change when Zoe came back in with Ashton.

"Everything is perfect. Being premature he might need glasses somewhere down the road but as of now everything is fine and the jaundice should go away within the next two days. Once your done changing Niall I'll take him for his turn, good thing is he looks free from jaundice." Harry stirred and opened his eyes.

"Is Ashton okay?"

"Yes everything is good. I'm about to take Niall. How are you feeling?"

"A bit nauseous...why do I feel this way?"

"That's perfectly normal, it's because of the medicine we gave you. I'm going to leave a tray here in case you feel like throwing up okay?" Harry nodded as he closed his eyes again with a hand resting on his stomach. Zoe then took Niall from Louis who started crying as soon as he was in her arms. "Looks like he's attached to you already. I'll try to make this quick so we can get him back in your arms." Louis nodded as he stood next to Harry while rocking Ashton who was falling back asleep.

An hour later and Zoe finally came back with a now sleeping Niall.

"Hey Harry, you feeling any better?" Harry nodded slightly as he held his arms out for Niall who Zoe happily placed in his arms.

"He threw up a lot but it was mainly bile and medicine. I left the tray on top of the counter."

"Alright I'll take a look at it and make sure there's no sign of infection. For now I'll give him some anti nausea medication in the IV. First I need to talk to you about something though..."

"Is there something wrong?" Louis asked worriedly as Harry's tired expression quickly disappeared and was replaced by one of worry.

"Unfortunately, yes. Um, Niall is very healthy as far as his vitals go so that's good. However, we repeated one test over and over with the same result every time...I'm so sorry to tell you this but...Niall's deaf."

It had been two weeks since the twins were born and Harry and Louis were able to bring them home after a week. They had several people cone and talk to them about how to raise a deaf child and even had someone offer to come to their house and teach them sign language for free which they gratefully accepted. Family and friends had constantly been there to help out as the couple came to terms with their new reality. It wasn't ideal but it was their life and they loved each other and their baby boys more than anything.

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