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"It's a.....Nah, I don't want to tell you lot yet." Perrie said as she sat back in her seat laughing as she saw disappointment wash over the four boys' faces. "I'm joking, you should have seen the looks on your faces though. It's a girl."They all cheered and hugged and congratulated her.

"A girl?! Oh my gosh you can dress her up in cute little dresses and do her hair and.." Zayn started.

"Calm down, god you guys are definitely gay." she joked.
Her phone vibrated and she looked down at it while smiling. "Hey guys, Jade texted me. Is it alright if she comes over and sits with us?"

"Of course, we've been wanting to meet her ever since you started being all secretive and giggly about your text messages!" Louis exclaimed. 

"Alright alright, here she comes now." Perrie said with a blush on her cheeks. They all turned as saw a short, petite girl walking up to their table. 

"Hi guys I'm Jade." She introduced herself before placing a quick kiss on Perrie's lips which caused the boys to coo and Perrie to blush. Jade sat down next to her and linked their hands together.

"So how did you guys meet?" Liam asked.

"Well these total assholes were messing with her and I told them to fuck off." Jade said proudly.

"Then I told her I thought I recognized her and I realized she's on the girls footie team and we used to cheer at some of their matches. We exchanged numbers and started talking, Jade came out to me, I told her I wasn't exactly sure of my sexuality, we talked a little more, she asked me out and here we are." Perrie finished with a smile and Jade nodded in agreement before leaning over to kiss her again.
The group talked throughout the rest of lunch but eventually they had to go back to their lessons.

After-school Harry invited Perrie over to his house for awhile. He often found himself alone after school because Louis had to babysit his sisters a lot more now that Dan wasn't in the picture. His mum and sister were gone too because his mum worked and Gemma was at cheer.

"You can go up to my room it's the first door on the right, I'm going to make us some snacks. Perrie nodded and waddled up the stairs. Now that she was seven and a half months pregnant she was finding it really difficult to walk. Harry eventually came upstairs and placed all the food on the bed then sat next to her.

"So how does it feel walking around so heavily pregnant now?"

"It feels like I'm constantly carrying a bowling ball around in my shirt and my ankles and back feel like they'll snap at any moment. It's really going to suck for you."

"Doctor said I'll most likely be on bed rest by twenty weeks anyway."

"Well how far along are you now?"

"About ten weeks. Which is already two and a half months just about. When I say it like that it sounds like a lot more than when I just say ten weeks."

"Either way it goes by really quickly. So have you and Louis discussed any names?"

"No, it's too early I think. I mean we don't even know the genders of the babies yet, how about you? You're due in like a month and a half and you know the gender."

"Um, yeah. We had narrowed it down to a few first names but I think I've chosen. We didn't talk about middle names but I already have one that I know I'm going to use."

"Tell me."

"Fine but don't tell anyone, I'm naming her Sabrina Jade." Perrie said with a slight smile.

"That's so cute. I can't wait until Louis and I can pick names for our babies. Are you nervous about the actual birth?"

"Of course, I plan on doing it naturally with just gas and air so I know it's going to be painful. As each day goes by I get more and more nervous I think but then I just remind myself that at the end of it I'll get to hold my daughter in my arms and that makes it all worthwhile. How did you feel when you found out they were twins?"

"Honestly I was genuinely surprised I didn't shit myself. I'm so nervous because now I have not just one life I'm responsible for but two. Two times everything: nappies, bottles, potty training..all that stuff. It worries me that I might mess up. I'm not worried about Louis, he grew up with four sisters and he's really confident about this but I'm completely new to it all. Technically I'm the mum, I really can't mess up."

"Harry it'll be fine, you naturally have a motherly instinct believe it or not. I can see it in the way you care for Louis, or Zayn, or Liam, even Gemma sometimes and she's your older sister. You'll be a great parent and your babies will be flippin gorgeous because you and Louis are practically gods." She finished with a slight laugh causing Harry to blush.

"Whatever you say Pez. Now let's eat all this food because you're eating for two and I'm eating for three so now is our chance to eat as much as we want with no guilt." Harry explained as he grabbed a mozzarella stick. Perrie nodded before grabbing a chicken wing. They spent the rest of the evening just eating and talking about pregnancy things like morning sickness, aches and pains, bloating, the baby bump, feeling the baby kick, and things like that. Overall it was a good evening and Harry was glad he had Perrie to go through this experience with. Sure it wasn't the same situation but it was enough.

Okay just a filler chapter because I have work in three hours and I've literally gotten no sleep. I'm so exhausted and I'm sure this chapter is shut but I'm too tired to care. At least you know the gender and name of Perrie's baby.

QOTC: Thoughts on Perrie using Jade's name as the baby's middle name?

But I'm A Boy- Larry MpregWhere stories live. Discover now