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Gemma had to pull over twice for Harry to be sick but they still arrived five minutes early. She helped him out of the car and into the building where she sat him down before going up to check him in. After about ten minutes a nurse came and called him in. Gemma helped him walk back and once he was seated on the bed she turned to leave but he grabbed her by the wrist gently.

"Please stay." he said weakly so she nodded and sat down in one of the chairs as the nurse checked his vitals.

"No temperature but your blood pressure is very high. Is there any history of that in your family?"

"Not that I know of."

"Okay well we need to keep watch on that. Anyway, what are you here to see the doctor for?" she asked as she sat at the computer ready to type but suddenly Harry couldn't speak. Sure he may be sixteen but like it was stated before, he was a mumma's boy and she always did the talking for him at the doctor. He looked at Gemma for help and she rolled her eyes but decided to help him anyway so she began to speak as Harry just looked down and played with his fingers.

"It's been a build up of events actually. A little over a month ago he had some abdominal cramping and bloating but it went away with a heating pad and a nap. The only thing that stayed was this dark line from his belly button to his v line. The next day he was alright but all of a sudden he passed out at footie practice which raised a huge red flag for us because no mater how ill he's been he's never passed out. We decided to wait it out a bit and once again he was better the next day. Everything was perfect until  today. He's a little bloated and this morning he came into the kitchen looking perfectly fine then all of a sudden his face paled and he ran to the loo and threw up for a good twenty minutes. He made it through school, he said he felt better and he actually looked fine but he threw up again at footie practice and then twice on the way here." The nurse finished typing and made her way over to Harry.

"Can you lay down for me love? The doctor is on her way, I just want to have a little look at your tummy." Harry complied and laid down as the nurse lifted his shirt. "Hmm, well you definitely are bloated and I see the line your sister was talking about. I'm going to apply some pressure, tell me if it hurts." She felt around and when she applied pressure on his lower-middle abdomen he yelled in pain. She quickly retracted her hands. "Okay honey I know that hurt but I need to do it again, i'll try to distract you." she said as she started at the top of his stomach. "So how's school, i'm sure a cutie like you has a girlfriend." Gemma almost burst out laughing and Harry blushed.

"School's good and I um, I have a boyfriend." Now it was the nurse's turn to blush.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed." she gave him a sympathetic look as she pressed on his lower-middle abdomen again causing him to groan and scrunch his face in pain. "By any chance are you and your boyfriend sexually active?" Harry blushed bright red.

"Just once but, yes."

"Okay love i'm going to need to take a blood sample just to rule out HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases." Harry's eyes widened.

"Is that what you think it is?!" he said as his eyes filled with tears causing Gemma to quickly be by his side holding his hand.

"Not necessarily but I do need to check." she replied as she prepared the needle. Harry started to silently cry. His mum was always here when they took blood or gave him a shot, he hated needles. Plus now he was scared of the outcome. Gemma was comforting but she wasn't his mum. The nurse quickly drew blood and took it off to the lab saying the doctor would be there with the results in ten minutes. For ten minutes he and Gemma anxiously waited then finally the doctor entered.

"Hi Harry i'm Dr. Louise Pentland. The good news is you're clear of any STD. however, something unusual did show up on your results so we're sending you to hospital where you can see a specialist because we're not exactly sure what it is. Here's the address, my good friend Dr. Zoe Sugg is waiting for you." Gemma thanked her and helped a now sobbing Harry into the car before calling their mum.

"Gemma darling i'm in a really important meeting right.."

"Harry's going to hospital!"

"W-what?! oh god, okay i'm leaving right now! Text me the address."

Twenty minutes later and Anne had just arrived and now they were waiting in the small examination room for the doctor.

"What happened?" Anne asked as she held a still crying Harry on her lap as she softly carded her fingers through his hair. Harry whimpered knowing his mum was about to find out he wasn't innocent anymore and Gemma sighed, feeling bad, but she knew it was part of the story and she had to tell her.

"At the clinic they gave him a blood test to check for any STDs because he recently became sexually active with Louis.." Harry let out a loud sob.

"M' sorry mum I- I just, I waited until i was ready but m' sorry!"

"Shh baby boy it's okay, I know you and Louis love each other, it's okay." she said, signalling for Gemma to continue as she tried to calm him.

"Anyway that came back fine but they said there was something unusual on his blood tests and sent us here." Anne just nodded as she comforted Harry, poor thing was sick and scared. After a few moments she noticed the colour drain from his face and she at Gemma to grab the bin in the corner. Gemma grabbed it while Anne sat Harry up just in time for her to place it in his lap as he got sick. The doctor walked in at exactly that moment.

"Oh my, I see you're still feeling ill." She said sympathetically. When Harry was done she took the bin and let him rinse his mouth out in the sink then had him take a seat on the bed. "Are you not taking your hormones anymore?" 

"My what?"

"Well it's just that it usually states on a person's medical record if they're transgender and taking hormones but yours doesn..."

"I'm not transgender." Dr. Sugg looked confused as she looked over the results again just to make sure they were for the correct patient, they were.

"Wow, then this is very unusual, unheard of actually. I'm not really sure how to say this but, congratulations Mr. Styles, you're pregnant. Anne and Gemma's eyes nearly shot out of their heads. Was this doctor on drugs?!

"But I'm a boy."

"Well... No, not technically."

There's the bombshell. Next chapter you'll find out my lame attempt at trying to give it plausible reasoning 😂. I really enjoy writing this, more than I thought.

Anyway, how do you think Anne and Gemma will react? 

But I'm A Boy- Larry MpregWhere stories live. Discover now