The Bloodline: Caroline Withers of the Northeast

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Name: Caroline Withers

Age: 40

Personality: Caroline is attacked by deep and useless thoughts at every hour, her mind a wreck from too much care. She loves life, loves evaluating its meaning and treating the world as a gift. On the other hand, she is not a pacifist; standing in her way will likely result in an argument, a brawl, and blood. Therefore, most respect her like she is a mother- she treats most of the young like her own children. Caroline has always wanted a daughter, but her lack of time management ruined many years, and the prospect of a family became unimportant. She desires a return of the past. 

Background: Caroline has been a vampire her entire life. Birthed from the body of her dying mother, Caroline entered the world as a tragedy. Labelled as a remembrance, her father rarely tried to form a bond with his daughter, so Caroline was lonely, alone as a monster in a world of real people. However, the clan took a liking to Caroline as she showed responsibility at an early age, speaking her mind to the leaders before her. Caroline is the youngest woman to ever experience the amount of control she wields, and elders above her often display distaste for it. 

Blood Offerings:

One will be chosen by Caroline Withers, and her gifts are beyond their worth. 

To be used before Task Six, an automatic score of 14, without writing a single word. This may be used as a safety net, but will not motivate to slack, for this puts perfection out of reach.

To be used anywhere throughout the games, a free chance to have a task reviewed. This will grant an in-depth comment on the entry before it is sent, placing perfection in your hands. 

And to be used at your leisure, a free extension. 

Author Games: NocturneWhere stories live. Discover now