An Important Announcement

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We started Task Four will eleven people and we will leave it with seven. At the beginning of the last task, we informed you all that if something like this happened, the fate of the competition did not look good. We understand that this is a very busy time in everyone's lives, and that there are many more competitions that may take priority over Nocturne. None of this bothers us, we understand that things like this happen, and we've prepared for it.

As it stands, we have enough people still active in these games to make it to the last task, with only one eliminated each round to leave three for the finale. However, with the way things are going, we're not sure that's going to be a possible option. So, we are going to give two choices to the remaining players in the game.

Option One: If you want to continue, we can keep going with the competition as it is, and eliminate one person each round until the end. 

Option Two: If you want to continue writing without having to worry about the stress of deadlines, or simply don't want to continue at all and are too polite to say so, we will post all of the remaining tasks at once. These will be open to everyone, with no deadlines, no scores, and no pressure to write the entries. 

These are the options we are presenting to you. If you think of a better solution than them, please tell us below. We will give you a full 24 Hours from the time this is published to think it over and submit a vote either in the comments or by private message. No matter what you pick, we will not think less of you. 

Author Games: NocturneWhere stories live. Discover now