leo and hazel

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SOOOOOOOOOOO after the war or after i died then got brought back to life, I got Calyspo and went back to camp half blood. I took the most remote way so that Festus wont look like a helicopter or something........ ANYWAYS, when we finally made it there, with a beacon signal, EVREYONE PUNCHED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (it hurts). Then, they started to yell at me that the mist as gone so mortals could see us(thanks to queen potty sluge). THEN JUST TO SHOVE THAT IN MY FACE, A VIDEO OF ME RIDING FESTUS WAS APPARENTLY SEEN IN HAWAII....oops....

THE NEXT DAY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Chiron then said that the gods decided that the mortals would be paranoid so we had to go to school while they fix it....(yeah, like how?) SCHOOL........ this is what all demigods think: SCHOOL=LIVING TARTARUS. STUPID GAEA. STUPID GIANTS. STUPID WAR. Oh, great. Now I'm being deathbreath (nico). Well, im going to go to Washington school. great. sigh. Well, at least hazel is coming with me. And we all had to agree that we will TRY to hide. TRY. (This ended up in all the demigods praying to their parents to change their minds.)

SCHOOL YAY Julian Augustus's POV (dont judge meeeeeeeee)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hi, my name is Julian. I am the king of this school and we have proper ranks here. So apparently, there are two kids coming to our school. We are all waiting at the door. Then they walk in. There was a latino elf guy (LEO) who looked like he can be my royal jester. And a african american girl (HAZEL) who would still be undetermined.

BLUE PANKAKES LINe BREAK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Leo: During greek class, (since the gods revealed themselves), we had a boring lesson. So, with ADHD, I made a helicopter and an airplane. Then, the best thing in real tarterus happened. We are going to have a show and tell of anything that is Greek/roman related. I thought of bringing ! I looked at hazel. She was probably thinking about bringing Arion.

Hazel: Finally, something good. I am totally going to bring Arion!!!! I know what repair boy is bringing, his metal fire breathing sidekick.

Julian: Yes. Now I can show the newbies who is boss. I am going to bring my costume and props from my roman play which I was Octavian. They will bow to my glory.

Bob the line break)))))))))))))))))))))%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Leo : I have festus hiding/ waiting outside. Hazel told Arion the same thing. Most of the presentations were boring and all had the same thing. The "king" brought a costume with props and hazel mouthed " the laurel is real..."

Hazel: Now it s our turn... Of course the jock had to say "Where is your stuff? Oh, you forgut it didn't u?" Then We said "Its too big, u guys need to go out side. " So we all went out side. Then, I called Arion!!!!!!!!!!!! get your hooves here or no gold for the rest of the month!!!!!!" Then Arion zipped here and started to say stuff like (Posideon gave her the power to understand Arion) "geeez, Hazel, u promised me gold when I helped u win capture the flag. Plus, those stupid horse riders that think they can ride me will fall off in 5 seconds.Plus, im too swag.(there is cussing in here, just I didn't put it in here.)" Then, I said, "This is Arion, before you ask, yes, he is THE ARION and he says that he is too swaggsome for you guys. Oh, and BTW, he cusses a lot so when we get back, me and Percy are going to wash his mouth with soap." Arion: HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY U SAID NUTTIN ABOUT THAT AND SOAPS ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOO *beep* disgusting like they are *beep*in *beep*.

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